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12 great features of Google Maps

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We all know the way when we go to unfamiliar places Google Maps I use the app. Like other Google services, Google Maps has a number of great features. Google is constantly adding new features like augmented reality to Google Maps. Let’s take a look at some of the great features of Google Maps that will come in handy in everyday life.

Offline map

For those of us who use WiFi at home, and don’t run mobile data, Google Maps may seem useless when we go out. Because using Google Map requires internet connection. However, if you want, you can save a certain area of ​​Google Map offline for ease of use. The feature is happening Google Maps is offline.

First, find the location you want to save the map offline on Google Maps. Suppose we want to save a certain part of Dhaka city Google Map offline. In that case, after finding that specific part of Dhaka city on Google Map and clicking on the Three Dot menu, then clicking on Download Offline Map, the offline map of that specific part of Dhaka will be saved on your phone. Later, even if you do not have data on your mobile, you can use Google Maps without internet via GPS.


We leave our smartphones in our pockets and go for walks. The funny thing is that with GPS and Maps turned on, the timeline of Google Maps is saved for any place we go. To use this feature, you can see your location timeline by accessing Google Maps and tapping Your Timeline from the menu.

Location Sharing

The funniest feature of Google Maps is the location sharing feature. Using this feature, it is very easy to meet someone in an unfamiliar place. This feature also works while driving or walking. If you share location, the person you share location with will see your real time location.

To share location via Google Maps, enter the Location Sharing option from the Google Maps menu. Then click on Share location. Select how long you want to share location for this and send the link to the person you want to share location with. If the person clicks on the link, you will see your real time location.


You can easily find out about current and potential traffic around you using Google Maps. To turn on this feature at any time, you just have to click on the stack icon on the right side of the screen and select Traffic.

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Google Map History

Did you know that you can delete Google Maps history if you want? Basically It saves all the activities done using your Google service. Enter this link and click on Location History. From now on, if you select Turn Off, then saving your location will stop with time.

Also If you enter and select maps in Filter by date & product, you will see all your Google Maps activity. Then you can delete your Google Map History by clicking Delete.


You can add the best place to go on Google Maps or the place you want to go in the future. You can also share this information with your family or friends. To add a place as a favorite, find that place on Google Map and click on Save. Then add the place to the Favorites list, add Want to go to the list of places you want to go and click done on Starred Places to save personally. There is also the facility to create a list of new places with a new title by clicking on the new list.

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If you like to listen to songs or podcasts while looking at maps while driving, then you don’t have to control the app for listening to maps and songs / audio separately. Spotify Or listen to music or audio in Google Maps via Apple Music.

12 great features of Google Maps

To turn on this feature, enter the settings in the Google Maps app. Then enter “Navigation Settings”. Click on “Show media playback controls” and select the desired music streaming app. After that, every time you turn on the navigation feature of Google Map, you will see Music Playback Controls / Show media playback controls text, so that you can listen to the song / audio from the streaming app of your choice through the pop-up menu by clicking.


Google Maps has the feature of using incognito mode just like we use incognito mode to prevent any activity of Google Chrome from being added to our Google account. To use incognito mode on Google Maps, open the Google Maps menu by tapping on your profile picture. After selecting the “Turn on incognito mode” option from the menu, incognito will be turned on.

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Vehicle icon

When we turn on a navigation on Google Maps, a blue arrow is shown. But the funny thing is, you don’t have to be limited to using this blue arrow. If you want, you can select other vehicle options by clicking on this blue arrow.

google map vehicle


Suppose you drive from one place to another. But on the way you have to stop at some places. After setting your destination address on Google Maps, you can easily mark where you want to stop on the journey.

Nice feature of Google Maps

To use the stops feature, first enter Google Maps and select your starting point and destination. Then click on the Three Dot menu and you will see another menu from where select “Add Stop”. Then if you select any place, it will be added as your stops.

Google Assistant

Google Assistant can be most useful when using Google Maps while driving. Any voice command can be used by saying “OK, Google” while Google Maps is on while driving.

For example, while driving, Google Assistant is asked about the next turn, “Where’s my next turn?” You can ask. Learn more about upcoming road traffic “How’s traffic ahead?” You can ask Google Assistant. You can plan before you run out of fuel using commands like “find the nearest gas station”.


For those who have a car, finding a place to park a car can be a hassle. But Google Maps can help. Do a Google search for the location you are visiting and find out a lot about the parking facilities as well.

Also, after parking a car in a parking zone, enter Google Map and click on Blue Dot to see a menu. From there, by clicking on “Set as parking location” you can easily find your car from the place where you parked the car.

Which of the following Google Maps features is your favorite? Let us know in the comments section.

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