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21 expert teams including Devi Sethi propose 6 points to the Center to stop the third wave of Kovid.

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Own report: India is likely to have a third wave of corona. The Maharashtra government has already formed a task force cautiously. Delhi is also taking all possible steps. In this context, a team of 21 medical experts, including eminent physician Dr. Devi Sethi, has submitted a six-point proposal to stop this third wave on the website of the medical journal Lancet.

What has been reported?

* Necessary health care organization needs to be decentralized. Because the size of healthcare and infrastructure is different at district and state level. To adopt the method accordingly.

* There must be a fixed price for essential healthcare products like ambulance, oxygen, essential medicines. Whose prices will remain the same across the country. All people should be covered under health insurance scheme. As it has started in many states.

* In case of review of Covid-19, emphasis should be laid on gathering evidence-based information. District and state hospitals have to work in accordance with that directive. There is a need to have specific instructions on how to take care of the patient at home, what steps to take in the hospital in accordance with international rules.

Read more, Covid UpdateNumber of active patients in the country down, more than one and a half thousand dead in 24 hours

* In order to improve the health system, the private sector should also be used. Human resources must be used properly. The government should also provide PPE kits to all and provide training on medical care.

* Vaccines must be made available to all. The state government has to ensure that everyone gets the vaccine dose on priority basis. It is not good to leave the vaccine completely private.

* We have to learn from the events in Mumbai. The goal is to work in a wartime situation in the country. There was an important role for lower level civil society.

* The number of active patients in the district may increase again in the coming weeks. So be prepared for early warning. However, in the case of Kovid and the rest of the information, transparency in the statistics is required according to the specific model.

* The government should compensate those who lost their lives or lost their jobs during the coronation period while making a living. It has happened in several states. These steps are needed to turn the wheel of the economy and increase demand.