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3 Yoga exercises to lower blood pressure – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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Own report: Measure blood pressure, control blood pressure, live long! This is the theme of this year’s World Blood Pressure Day.

Today, Tuesday, May 16 is World Hypertension Day. This year’s theme is – Measure your blood pressure, control it, live longer ‘. There are also three very simple and common exercises mentioned. Which can be done easily at home. These exercises will help control blood pressure. Hypertension is a type of lifestyle disease. That is why we have to deal with it with lifestyle.

A statistic published in an international journal found that healthy people can have high blood pressure if they hear it. That is, at least 30 percent of the world’s adult population suffers from this blood pressure disorder. It is the Covid-19 pandemic that has come to the fore. The World Hypertension League says that in India alone, at least 10 million people are infected every year.

Experts say that unhealthy dietary pattern is the main reason for this. With increasing stress. That stress is this Lockdown-Increased further in episodes.

Read more: Healthy and strong lungs are needed to fight covid, include 4 herbal drinks in the diet.

Today is a day to remind people, especially those in the low or middle income group, to keep their heart or blood pressure under control. Because, they are not so careful or aware about this.

There are two main types of hypertension – primary hypertension and secondary hypertension. Common causes of kidney failure are adrenaline gland disease, hormonal imbalance, thyroid problems, sleep problems, excessive salt intake, and excessive alcohol consumption.

There are several symptoms of hypertension. Some familiar, some unfamiliar. For example, blood pressure can cause a patient to die of a heart attack. So it is important to know the symptoms of high blood pressure. These areheadaches, nosebleeds, constant tiredness, vision problems, chest pain, breathing problems, abnormal heartbeat, presence of blood in the urine, chest, neck or ear discomfort.

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