You are currently viewing 30 keyboard shortcuts that will make your PC easier to use

30 keyboard shortcuts that will make your PC easier to use

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The keyboard plays a major role in computer use. However, the keyboard can be more useful to us if we know about the keyboard shortcuts of Windows. Keyboard shortcuts are specific commands by pressing multiple keys simultaneously on the keyboard.

All the keyboards available in the market for Windows are labeled on the key. This article or section needs sources or references that appear in credible, third-party publications. The key to Windows on the keyboard is what Windows says. It looks like this

25 keyboard shortcuts that will make your PC easier to use

Let’s take a look at 30 important Windows keyboard shortcuts that will make your computer usage experience faster and more efficient.

Win + I

The usual way to access Windows’ settings is to click on Start and then Settings. But if you press Windows key and I keyboard together, you can enter Windows settings from any screen or app.

Win + A

If you are using touchscreen windows, you can easily open the Action Center by swiping from the right side of the screen. However, Windows devices that do not have touchscreen facility, the Windows key and A press on the device together, the action center opens.

Win + E (Explorer keyboard shortcut)

Someone puts Windows File Explorer on the desktop to find it easily. Again, someone adds to the taskbar. However, Windows File Explorer can also be opened using keyboard shortcuts. To open Windows Explorer, press the Windows key and the E key together.

Win + S

We use the search feature to find any program or file on the computer Windows Search can be easily opened by pressing Windows key and S key together.

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Win + Shift + 5 (screenshot keyboard shortcut)

There are several ways to take a screenshot on a Windows computer. Some use the built-in snipping tool, others use a third party tool for screenshots. However, the easiest way to take a screenshot on Windows is to press Windows key, Shift button and number 5 key together. Before taking a screenshot, you can take a screenshot by selecting how you want to take a screenshot. These screenshots are saved on the computer’s clipboard, which can be pasted and sent to anyone at any time.

Win + V (clipboard keyboard shortcut)

In Windows, everything we copy by pressing Ctrl + C is stored on the clipboard. Pressing the Windows key and the V key together opens the clipboard. This clipboard stores all text, images or screenshots copied since the computer was turned on.

Win +.

Many people like to use emoji when it comes to chat. However, finding this emoji while chatting on the computer is a big problem. The good news is that the Windows operating system has built-in emoji. Press the Windows key and the full stop (.) Key together to open the Emoji panel. Then when the emoji panel is open, select the emoji with the arrow key or mouse and use it.

Win + D

Many people like to keep the most important files or apps on the desktop. From time to time you need to go to desktop screen from any screen for different needs. Press the Windows key and the D key to access the desktop screen directly from any app or screen.

Win + H

Pressing the Windows key and the H key together triggers the Windows dictation feature. It is basically a speech to text converter. That is, after opening the dictation feature, you will see what you say as e-text. For those who like to do voice typing, this shortcut can be very useful.

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Win + X

Some important features of Windows like PowerShell, CMD, etc. can be easily accessed by pressing Windows key and X key.

Win + Number

The apps that are pinned in the taskbar can be opened by clicking – everyone knows that. But there is a shortcut to open these apps quickly. Apps can be opened by pressing the Windows key and number key in the order of the apps in the taskbar.

Suppose the first app pinned to your taskbar is Google Chrome. If you press Windows key and number 1 key, Google Chrome will open. Similarly, if the fourth app in the taskbar is Explorer, then you can open Explorer by pressing Windows key and number 4 key.

Win + Left / Right Arrow

Windows can be used in a neat way by simply snaping multiple open windows into the grid. Press the Windows key and the left / right arrow keys to snap into a window grid.

Ctrl + P

Browser: In all the webpages we see, there is no separate facility for printing. In that case, by entering any webpage and pressing Ctrl key and P together, you will get the feature to print that page.

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Alt + Tab

There is no need to repeatedly click the mouse to access from one app to another. You can easily enter from one app to another by pressing Alt key and Tab key.

Ctrl + A

Press the Ctrl key and the A key to simultaneously select everything visible on the screen.

Alt + F4

To close any app we are accustomed to click on the cross (X) in the top right corner of the app. However, any app can be closed by pressing Alt key and F4 key.

Ctrl + Backspace

Backspace key is used to delete characters when writing something. When pressing Ctrl key and Backspace key together when writing something in Microsoft Word or any other program, one word before the cursor is deleted.

Ctrl + Delete

Pressing the Ctrl key and the Delete key together deletes a word after the cursor each time.

Ctrl + Left / Right Arrow

You can go before and after writing using left and right arrows in any text or document. In this case, each time you press the arrow key, you can move the cursor one letter before or after another. However, when the Ctrl key and the left / right arrow keys are pressed together, the cursor can be moved one word before or after each word.

Ctrl + Shift + Left / Right Arrow

We use the mouse to select any text. However, the text before or after the cursor can be selected by pressing Ctrl key, Shift key and right / left arrow key.

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Ctrl + Shift + Up / Down Arrow

Use the Ctrl key, Shift key, and up / down arrow keys to fully select the paragraph that contains the cursor when editing a text or document.

F5 (Reload keyboard shortcut)

The refresh feature of Windows is used by almost everyone While on the desktop, you can easily refresh by pressing F5 on the keyboard. The F5 key can also be used to reload a website loaded in a browser tab.

Ctrl + Tab

Press Ctrl key and Tab key to quickly switch browser tabs from left to right.

Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Press Ctrl key, Shift key and Tab key together to quickly switch browser tabs from right to left.

Ctrl + Shift + T

Many times we accidentally close browser tabs. In this case, to quickly open the closed tabs, press Ctrl key, Shift key and T key together.

Ctrl + Z

If you accidentally delete a file while working on a Windows computer and send it to the Recycle Bin, press the Ctrl and Z buttons together. This will return your deleted files to their previous location. This shortcut works with most programs, including Microsoft Office, browsers (where the user needs to write something). This basically undo the latest work done. You can press Ctrl + Y to undo what Ctrl + Z does.

Ctrl + Alt + Del

When the PC hangs, you will get the option to launch the Windows Task Manager program by clicking on this famous shortcut. Hanging apps can be closed from there. There is also the option to lock, turn off or sign out the PC.

Win + L

This will lock the screen of your PC. As a result, if you want to use the PC again, you have to enter the password and unlock it. If the password is not given in advance, just click on the sign-in button and enter.


Clicking on a file or folder then pressing the F2 button will give you the option to rename that file or folder.

Ctrl + Z

If you accidentally delete a file while working on a Windows computer and send it to the Recycle Bin, press the Ctrl and Z buttons together. This will return your deleted files to their previous location. This shortcut works with most programs, including Microsoft Office, browsers (where the user needs to write something). This basically undo the latest work done. You can press Ctrl + Y to undo what Ctrl + Z does.

Which of the following Windows keyboard shortcuts do you prefer? Let us know your favorite keyboard shortcuts in the comments section.

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