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3G auction may be delayed again …

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The third generation mobile network in Bangladesh on September 2 3G Though the auction was supposed to be held, it is likely to be postponed again. According to the latest schedule, August 1 was the last date to apply for a license. But as of Tuesday, July 30, the only applicant in the news is state-owned Teletalk, which is already offering 3G services on a trial basis.

Meanwhile, no confirmation was received from other operators regarding the application by August 1. They will reduce VAT before the auction and resolve complications with the value added tax on second generation (2G) licenses. Has been claiming. ReportingSpeaking at a press conference on the release of new postage stamps today, Minister for Posts and Telecommunications Sahara Khatun said, “These issues are being discussed with the operators. Delays in the auction are being considered. ”

Telecommunications Secretary Abu Bakar Siddique told reporters, “Operators are the regulatory body yesterday BTRC He has applied for a one-month delay in the auction. A decision will be taken soon. ”

As you know, the cost per MHz wave is estimated at US কোটি 20 million and 5 operators, including Teletalk, will be given 3G licenses for 15 years. Earlier, the auction was held on June 24 Set the date Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory CommissionBTRC). That date was rescheduled for July 31. Then another new 3G auction date was announced on 2nd September. And now it is feared to be back again.

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