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5 Best Uses Of Ice To Get Eye-catching Beauty – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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We use a lot of things for beauty. In particular, we are concerned about the problem of skin acne and the radiance of the skin. We spend a lot of time and effort behind this. I use many kinds of chemical products. But most of the time all our time and labor is wasted. Because it is very difficult to get rid of all these skin problems. But we ourselves do not know how much some simple things in the house can benefit our skin. Ice is one of the most effective ingredients in our skin care. Let’s look at some of the uses of ice in our beauty treatments.

Ice to solve acne problems
People who suffer from acne can easily reduce the incidence of acne by using ice. Wrap 2/3 ice cubes in a clean plastic bag and hold the bag over the acne for 10 minutes. This will remove the redness of the acne and the size of the acne will be smaller. Avoid acne outbreaks with daily use.

Ice to reduce puffiness of the eyes
Many of us get swollen under the eyes when we sleep less or more. It looks quite awkward. Ice will solve this problem. Wrap a piece of ice in a clean thin cloth and hold it in the swollen area under the eyes. This will reduce the swelling. And will also take away your night fatigue. If you feel very swollen, make a green tea without sugar, ice it and keep it under the eyes. You will get good results.

Ice to increase skin radiance
Cucumbers and strawberries are much more effective for brightening the skin. Ice made from these two ingredients will be very useful to increase the radiance of the skin quickly. Blend cucumbers or strawberries very well in a blender. Then freeze it in the deep freezer. Rub this ice on the face 1 day a week. The ice will work much like a scrubber. This will increase the radiance of the skin.

To remove sunburn spots
I have to go out for work. Many times not using good sunscreen results in sunburn spots on the skin. Ice is also a good ingredient for removing sunburn spots. Wrap 2/3 piece of ice in a clean thin cloth and rub it on the burnt area. The burn marks will disappear quickly.

Ice to make the skin for makeup
Many people face a problem while applying makeup, that is, putting makeup on the face. Many people see that makeup does not sit properly on the face. Floating. This makes the face more awkward due to makeup. Ice will solve this problem. Before applying makeup, rub 2 pieces of ice on your face. Then if you do makeup, the makeup will sit on the skin better.