You are currently viewing 5 great uses of toothpaste to protect the beauty of the skin

5 great uses of toothpaste to protect the beauty of the skin

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What do you think, I forgot to write ‘teeth’ and wrote ‘skin’? We all know what toothpaste does in dental care. But did you know that your toothpaste paste is equally effective in skin care? There are some amazing benefits that toothpaste can give to skin care that even reputable cosmetics can’t. There are many types of toothpaste available in the market. Different colors, tastes and smells. However, ordinary fluoride toothpaste is more useful in beauty treatments. Learn how to use toothpaste to solve some skin problems.

White heads
The pores are closed due to dust, pollution, makeup etc. The result is black heads. The previous condition of Black Heads was White Heads. This closes the hole in the loop well. Apply a thick layer of toothpaste on the areas where these white heads are present, such as nose, forehead, chin. When it is dry, remove it thoroughly. Then wash your face well. You will be amazed at the results.

Toothpaste also works very well in acne problems. Especially in painful acne. Before going to bed at night, apply toothpaste on the acne and go to sleep. When you wake up in the morning, you will see that the swelling has decreased and the pain is much less.

Wrinkle line
It’s not just the skin that gets wrinkled with age, but it is! Excessive anxiety, lack of adequate rest, insomnia, etc. can cause wrinkles on the skin even if you are not old. Dilute the thick toothpaste with water. Now apply it on the face, neck and neck. Wait until dry. Don’t forget to talk or laugh at this time. When the paste is dry, wash it well. Use toothpaste like this at least three days a week. The problem of wrinkles will go away.

Dull skin
There is no pair of toothpaste to quickly increase the radiance of the skin! If you do not have enough time to take care of your skin before going out, use toothpaste. Use as a normal facewash and wash your face with plenty of water.

Excessive makeup, contamination and running make the skin as tired as the body. And his impression fell on his face. Take two teaspoons of tea liqueur and mix a little toothpaste in it well. Apply the mixture all over the face. Leave it for ten minutes and wash your face. Skin fatigue will go away instantly.


Health | DesheBideshe
2021-06-27 20:22:16
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