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6 Easy Tips for Beautifully Fitted Feet – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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As much as you are happy to see your face in the mirror, do you get annoyed when you look at your feet? Many people suffer from this problem. There is really no point in envying beautiful and well-formed women. Because you forget something, the shape of your feet is changing, the skin of your feet is becoming dry and rough due to your negligence. So find out today 7 easy tips for beautiful well-formed legs.

1) Make it a habit to stand as much as possible at home, outside and at work rather than sitting. This will make the leg muscles well-formed. The skin of the feet will be tight.

2) Take time to exercise to shape the shape of the legs. Very simple exercises that you can do at home, such as squatting, rope jumping, weightlifting and aerobics. If you do not have time to do these then you can walk, run and jog.

3) Use moisturizer to lift the hair of the feet quite well. The skin of the feet will not be dry. Also massage herbs from the thighs to the soles of the feet with herbal oil at least 1 day a week.

4) Get a pedicure twice a month. If you do not want to go to the parlor, do a pedicure at home. First soak the feet in lukewarm water mixed with shampoo for 10 minutes. Then rub the feet well and clean the nails. A good mask to put on the feet. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask, wipe the feet and massage the moisturizer on the skin of the feet.

5) Many people just apply sunscreen on their hands and face. But without looking at the feet, the feet will not be beautiful. So apply sunscreen on the skin of the feet.

6) If there is any infection in the skin of the feet, or there is a problem of allergies or any kind of spots, loose skin, then it is better to seek the help of a dermatologist.


Health | DesheBideshe
2021-07-01 18:16:44
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