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7 Foods for Beautiful Skin – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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Fenugreek syrup on an empty stomach, Kothila water on a full stomach, beauty products of various well-known brands, nothing was left out to beautify the skin. But the result is zero Only frustration and resentment have increased Now try a little different way Instead of putting different food items in the mouth, now it is time to try them You will get benefits 7 But what to eat? In that list, we are saying 6 first of all

Red Capsicum: You can eat cooked red capsicum or raw either It has 30 calories Red Capsicum 6 meets the daily requirement of Vitamin-C It also contains sufficient amount of vitamin B6 The carotenoids in it prevent skin wrinkles and normalize the blood circulation process in the skin. This will make you look much fresher and younger

Dark Chocolate: Chocolate lovers feel that this is the best news Eat dark chocolate every day It contains a lot of antioxidants, fatty acids and flavonols The antioxidant of dark chocolate removes the roughness of the skin and makes it radiant It also protects from the sun’s intense ultraviolet rays The cocoa in chocolate keeps the blood circulation in the skin normal

Salmon: The best food to stay away from anxiety, stress and frustration is salmon fish And who doesn’t know that if the mind is healthy then the body is healthy Salmon also contains a lot of daily essential vitamin D. Vitamin D helps keep the heart, bones, colon and nerves healthy. Eating salmon reduces the risk of colon cancer It also contains omega 3 fatty acids which hydrate your skin from the inside out Playing salmon also makes hair thicker

Coconut oil: It contains a lot of saturated fat It contains lauric acid, fatty acids and vitamin E6 As a result, it keeps the skin moisturized and the skin stays soft The skin is spotless Weight loss will be followed by coconut oil If you want to use coconut oil as a body cream, apply 1 tablespoon of raw coconut oil daily.

Green Tea: Usually people like to eat black tea Now try the green tea It contains lots of antioxidants, amino acids and lithanine These make the body very relaxed and relieve stress The effect of which will fall on your skin Green tea also likes to control high blood pressure

Vegetables: It is mandatory to have vegetables in your daily diet Vegetables are rich in vitamins E, C, A, plant proteins, rich in antioxidants, chlorophyll, magnesium. These will make your skin healthier Eat some vegetables every day and brighten the skin from the inside

Papaya: If you want to lose weight, then papaya is the best ingredient If you want to lose a lot of weight in papaya, then papaya is the best ingredient Papaya is rich in Vitamin C, Beta Carotene etc. which will protect your skin from the sun’s rays. And also papaya 7 is the surest way to lose weight Because the amount of calories in it is very low There are 39 calories per 100 grams and it is completely cholesterol free

Carrots: Carrots are rich in vitamin A. And this vitamin A reduces the tendency of skin cancer Inactivates the cells responsible for this disease