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7 Tips to Reduce Stomach Fat, Increase Beauty – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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It’s not bad to see a little extra weight, but it’s a little bad to see belly fat. But this belly fat is due to our irregular and bad eating habits. A little bit of fat can be reduced through a simple diet and exercise. But the problem is more fat. Nothing wants to leave behind. Rather, this belly fat keeps increasing. But you can’t sit still with this accumulated fat. We need to find a way to reduce fat. So here are 6 great “infallible” strategies for you to lose belly fat fast and easily.

Stop eating rice
When rice is eaten, it is accumulated in the stomach as fat. Eat red flour bread instead of rice. Reduce fat. If you have to eat rice, do not eat more than one cup of rice.

Start the day with lemon hot water
Eat a glass of lemon water on an empty stomach in the morning. When you wake up in the morning, take a slice of lemon in a glass of lukewarm water and mix 1 pinch of salt in it and eat it. Drink this lemon hot water every day as a rule. Lemon citric acid and hot water will both help to reduce belly fat.

Avoid sugary foods
Stop eating foods that contain sugar. Sugary foods accumulate fat in the stomach. Use honey instead of sugar.

Drink 7-8 glasses of water daily
If you want to lose belly fat fast, you must make it a habit to drink 7-8 glasses of water every day. Water improves digestion and helps reduce belly fat by removing toxins from the body.

Eat raw garlic regularly
Many people stay away from raw garlic because of the smell. But if you want to lose belly fat fast, eat raw garlic regularly. Raw garlic increases blood circulation in the body and helps in fat loss. Eat 2/3 clove of garlic every day.

Make a habit of eating vegetables
Many people are more interested in fish and meat. And expressed reluctance to eat vegetables. But fish meat contains a lot of protein as well as fat which accumulates fat in the body. Vegetables contain vegetable protein and moderate fiber. So if you do not want to accumulate fat in the stomach, eat vegetables. Reduce the amount of fish meat you eat.

Eat seasonal fruits
Put 1 bowl of fruit on your morning, noon, afternoon and dinner menu. This will make you eat less carbohydrates and fats. As a result, you will be able to lose fat faster. Many people think that it is better to eat fruit juice than fruit. But fruit juice increases fat. This is because the juice has no fiber in the fruit and some sweetness is added to it for flavor. So eat fruit instead of fruit juice.

Add some spices to food
Eat foods with spices like cinnamon, ginger, bell pepper. These spices help in reducing the sugar level in the body. Adding cinnamon, ginger and chilli to the cooking can enhance the taste of cooking as well as reduce belly fat.