Initiation of power import from India and unveiling of Rampal’s foundation stone

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PM-and-monmohon-sing.Sheikh Hasina and Manmohan Singh unveiled the foundation stone of a Bangladesh-India joint venture coal-fired power plant at Rampal. The Prime Minister of India joined the event via video conference on Saturday, October 5 at 11:30 am.

Earlier, the government had said that the foundation stone of the project would be laid on October 22 in Rampal.

But the Prime Minister of India will be busy on that day so he will not be able to attend the ceremony was completed on Saturday – it is known. However, the Prime Minister will officially lay the foundation stone on October 22 in Rampal.

At the same time, the Prime Ministers of the two countries officially inaugurated the Bangladesh-India Power Transmission Center.

Power transmission from India’s public sector to the country’s national grid started last night. By November, a total of 500 MW of electricity will come from India’s public and private sectors. As some infrastructural works have not been completed, a maximum of 165 MW of electricity will be available every day till now.

The average cost per unit of imported electricity, including transmission costs, will be about six rupees, which is about the same as the current price of electricity produced in Bangladesh.

This process of importing electricity opened the door for the introduction of SAARC power grid. Now Bangladesh will be able to import electricity from Nepal and Bhutan and jointly take initiative to build power plants in those two countries.

Source of information: The Prothom-alo,,

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