For centuries, people have been interested in “lie detectors” or “lie detectors.” And many methods of lie detection have also been discovered. Although none of them can verify a lie completely accurately. What if your cell phone acts as a lie detector?
One such team of scientists at the University of Copenhagen is machine learning Algorithm Working with which will be able to verify the truth based on the style of use of your smartphone. This algorithm will verify your true from how you are tapping or swiping your smartphone screen.
According to these researchers, the movement of a person’s hand is a bit slow when he is lying or crooked – that is, he feels a little hesitant. Also, hand movements are more than necessary (once this way, another way). And this is their algorithm based on it. They have also developed a mobile application that is not yet open to everyone.
With this algorithm called Veritaps, whenever you input any true information on the smartphone, it will show a green tick mark and if you give false information, it will be red.
One of the researchers compared it to a well-known method called polygraph, but said that it could not be used in sensitive places, such as courts, because it was not yet experimental and very powerful. Even before this, many companies have developed digital devices for lie detection. And in many cases they have been able to give about 80 percent accurate results.
How do veritaps work?
For this study, scientists performed several experiments on several people. They tell participants to tell the truth or lie about their favorite color on the phone screen. The results showed that those who lied were late in replying. In the last test they were allowed to play a dice game and it was seen that they tapped the true entries in the middle of the screen with much more pressure. And the movement of their hands was much more during the false entries.
The discoverers of Veritaps are quite optimistic about their approach. They are claiming that it is possible to use various mediums online. For example, it can be used to verify whether someone is telling the truth or lies about the condition of the product while advertising various online verifications or used products. But if people cleverly input false information with confidence, then it is also a matter of wondering whether it can work properly.
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