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Appendicitis is the cause of abdominal pain? Appendicitis is the cause of abdominal pain?

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Own report: The appendix is ​​an unnecessary part of our body. The problem that spreads to the appendix for any reason is called appendicitis. For about 5 percent of the world’s population, appendicitis can be life threatening. Like a small sac attached to the large intestine at the junction of the large intestine and the small intestine, food or dirt can enter the organ and spread the infection. In this case, if the surgery is not done on time, or if the problem is not caught, it can lead to death!

Many of us know that appendicitis causes abdominal pain. But what kind of pain or what symptoms do you see the cause of abdominal pain infection of the appendicitis? Let’s find out.

Signs and symptoms:

1) Abdominal pain. Usually, the pain spreads from the navel to the right side of the abdomen.

2) Nausea with abdominal pain,

3) Vomiting,

4) Not getting hungry,

5) Problems of constipation or diarrhea,

6) Fever due to abdominal pain. However, in this case the body temperature is not too high,

6) Severe pain in the abdomen and swelling of the abdomen may be due to rupture of the appendix.

Zee24GhantaLifestyle News
2021-05-20 19:41:52
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