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Become a wife’s best friend! Only then can you be a good husband

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This time living desk: Expectations have fallen in love with Orker almost 8 years after the first breakup. But after getting hurt in the first love, her faith in the boys somehow disappeared. He also saw so many boys in front of him that everyone seemed to understand that he was a traitor. At first, Orcar also rejected the love proposal. After six months of seeing and hearing well, he agreed to the love proposal. Expectation was accustomed to spending time with himself for so long. Shopping for herself, cooking, trying to figure out how to keep herself well. I have never been able to open my mind to anyone. And so a lot of things would have been avoided even by Orc. It’s not that Orc didn’t understand. He also meant expectation in many ways that he is by his side.
He would open his mind and say everything. Yet somewhere that obstacle seemed to remain. After two years of love, they finally got married. Orc is now the best friend to expect. All the quarrels, quarrels, delights are all with Orc now. Occasionally there is a PNPC between the two of them. As expected, Orc has also become a very good burgeoning expert. Going for a walk, cooking, washing dishes, sweeping the house are all going on together. How do you become a good husband like Orc? Here are some tips to help you get started:

Become a dear friend- Become a very good friend of each other before the husband-wife or boyfriend-girlfriend badge. So that the partner can share everything with you. Even if you are upset, you can say. Share the moments that feel so good together. Never lie to each other. Don’t make false promises. Or don’t hide anything. It is very important to build trust in each other.

Keep him Your life partner, you have the responsibility to protect him. If someone makes harsh remarks to him, he will always be by his side in his happiness and sorrow as if he is protesting there. If someone else treats your wife badly, trying to force something on her, you have to stand up.

Take a look at yourself- Most of the boys but do not look at themselves. There is no rhythm in one’s clothes, appearance, food. Many people lack hygiene. It is the habit of many boys not to cut their beards day after day, not to brush on time, not to take bath, not to leave their packets on the bed. And so stay away from this habit. Maintain your own beauty. The partner will be happy.
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Respect the wife’s thought ideal- Not all people grow from small to big. Growing up is one of a kind. And so if he worships or has any ideals, respect him. Never point a finger at his ideals. Also, if he is involved in social work, then appreciate that work. Not that you have to follow his example.

Love you Love is hidden in all these small things. Love is not a precious gift. Wife likes flowers? Love trees? Occasionally you can give flowers, trees. Ever had a surprise dinner. One day you can express your love by tidying the house. In short, love is in your hands. Stay the way the two of you will be good. If there is no extra coming and demand, you will see that there are many good things in life.

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2021-04-29 14:57:51
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