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A special example of automation for the benefit of mankind is the robotic arm

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The goal of the robotic arm is to help humans do the dirty, and dangerous things that are an example of the kind of automation that is benefiting the human race. VOA correspondent Julie Taboh reports that the robotic arm is nothing new. However, Rich Walker, managing director of Shadow Robot Company, which manufactures the arm, said they have been working for over 20 years to improve the robotic arm, which has been working like a human hand. And it’s a little different.

Rich Walker, managing director of the Shadow Robot Company, told VOA via Skype: “You can get a robot that works with something like a gripper or an animal’s claw, but it’s hard to do. So, we thought we’d create a human-like hand that would make it much easier for robots to make human life easier. ”

Walker said the concept of “dextras hand” is to free people from unpleasant work. Rich Walker added, “A job can be dangerous, it can be a dirty job; It may not be an easy task to do physically because of the location, but if you use our robotic arm there, you can easily get the job done by controlling it. ” In 2019, the robot began to be operated remotely and controlled with gloves.

Rich Walker, managing director of Shadow Robot, added: “You can control the robot after the glove. So when you move your hand, the robot’s hand is doing just that. You can immediately see what you are doing. So someone might say, ‘I work in a pharmaceutical factory and I want to use it so that we don’t contaminate products’, or someone might say,’ I work in nuclear engineering, and we can use it so that we have nuclear on the body. I am able to avoid the risk of radiation. ”

There are some gloves that give the feeling of touch. This is called ‘haptics’ and when the robot touches something, it senses it with the help of your finger. Experts say people are embracing this type of automation, which is not surprising. Steve Koenig, vice president of research at the Consumer Technology Association in Arlington, Virginia, said: Really dirty work, does anyone want to do that work? I would say, probably no one would want to do that. ”

Steve Koenig told VOA via Skype that in the future it should be hoped that more people will be able to work with both man-machine partnerships. Steve Koenig said: “It simply came to our notice then. It will enhance our experiences and give us leisure time to do more important things. These needs are becoming more and more evident in the use of bullets, and will become more so in the future. ”