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A very simple technique to remove the legs tultule soft!

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  • Post category:Health
Whatever it takes
4 tablespoons baking soda (not baking powder but)
8 liters of water
Jhama or scrubber or brush for foot scrubbing
Any moisturizer cream of your choice
Plastic packets or polythene socks

How to do it
– Dissolve baking soda well in hot water. Once mixed, soak your feet in it for 25 minutes.
– Rub your feet well with jhama.
-Then wash with plain water, wipe with a towel and apply cream on the feet a little more.
– Now put this creamy foot in the middle of the plastic packet and tie the foot.
Open the packet after 2 hours. Remove if excess cream sticks.
-And enjoy the soft skin of the feet like children!

– You will see the difference for the first time. Depending on how bad the condition of the feet is, it may be necessary to do it 3 to 6 times.
– Once done, do it again with a break of 7 days. Once a week is enough.