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Acidity can be cured in these yogasanas, learn how to do these asanas

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  • Bend the right leg and place the right leg near the knee of the left leg.
  • Now turn the left hand over the right foot and move it to the other side
  • And place your hand on the side of the right foot

This time living desk: Yoga is one of the most important ways to maintain good health today. With the help of this it is possible to prevent various diseases. One of these is acidity. Problems with the digestive system can cause acidity. Eating too much, unhealthy eating habits, unhealthy eating, obesity, getting up and sitting down after meals, snacking, carbonated drinks, salty foods, coffee, drinking too much tea can cause digestive problems.

How Yoga Can Prevent Acidity

Yoga activates various parts of the body, one of which is the digestive system. As a result, our digestive system can function better.

According to yoga gurus, the purifying action plays a significant role in curing acidity. It has three steps:

1. Kunjal- It helps to clean the esophagus and stomach.

2. Agnisar- It helps to remove toxins from the body. It improves immunity.

3. Uddiana off- It is a posture by which a part of the body is sealed and isolated.

When the purification process is completed, these four pranayamas called Shitali, Shitakari, Bhramari and Nari Shuddhi should be done.

1. Winter- This seat provides coolness. It also means calming down again. In this pranayama, peace of body and mind can be provided by turning the tongue and taking deep breaths.

2. Cooling- It’s like Python’s breathing. Breathing through the mouth is during pranayama.

3. Bhramari- Eyes, ears are covered with hands and this bhramari pranayama or bhramara breathing is done. It can be done anywhere.

4. Pulse purification- This is alternative nostril breathing. It has many uses.


1. Curvature- Bend the right leg and place the right leg near the knee of the left leg. Now turn the left hand over the right foot and move it to the other side and place the hand on the side of the right foot. Bend the neck and body backwards. The arms, legs and back should be straight. Continue breathing normally.

2. Ardhamatsyendra seat- Bend the left leg and bring the right leg over the knee and place the left leg on the floor. Then bend the right leg and place it on the floor next to the left hip. Hold the big toe of the left foot by bringing the right hand over the left foot. Try to bend the torso as much as possible while exhaling. Then bend the neck so that you can keep an eye on the left shoulder. Keep your left hand on the floor and continue breathing normally.

3. Pavanmuktasana- Lie on your back. Keep both hands and feet together. Take a deep breath. Then bring the knees to the chest while exhaling. Press the abdomen with the thighs. Hold both legs with both hands. Stay in this position for a while while breathing normally. Every time you exhale, hold your legs tighter and increase the pressure on your chest. Loosen the grip while breathing. After rocking and rolling 3-4 times, exhale and return to normal.

4. West Seat – Sit on the floor with your legs straight. Leave the back muscles light. Move your hand upwards to catch your breath. Then lean forward to exhale. Try to hold the toes with the hands and keep the nose close to the knees. Inhale and exhale slowly.

5. Sagittarius- Lie down on your stomach. Then try to bend the knees upwards, hold the ankles with the hands and try to lift the head and legs as high as possible.

. Bhujangasana- Lie on your stomach. Then place the hands on both sides and let the head touch the floor. Keep the legs taut. Note that there is a slight distance between the two legs. Now bring your hands along your shoulders. Then take a deep breath and try to lift the body up to the navel, creating pressure on the floor.

The benefits of purification

1. Improves flexibility, strength and spinal muscles.

2. Can relieve problems from shoulder and back muscles.

3. Improves digestion power.

4. Lose weight.

5. Makes the lungs stronger and stiffer.

. Helps to break down body wastes and toxins.

Health and Fitness Tips in Bengali Bodybuilding, Yoga and Exercise Tips in Bangla
2021-06-21 19:37:52
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