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Acne Problems Acne – DesheBideshe – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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Acne first appears during adolescence. Acne mainly affects boys between the ages of 16 and 19 and girls between the ages of 14 and 18. However, it can happen at any age. In 80 percent of cases, the incidence of acne decreases from the middle of the 20’s. Acne mainly affects the face but can also affect the back, neck and chest.

* Excess of androgen hormone during adolescence in teenagers.
* Hormone levels change during menstruation or pregnancy.
* Effects of cosmetics, especially frequent use of moisturizing lotions or harsh makeup.
* More emotion.
* Excessive heat or excessive sweating.
* Oily hair and dandruff.
* Stress and insufficient sleep.
* Effects of kerosene or coal (e.g. furniture varnish).
* Sleep on one side or sleep with your face on your hands.
* Effects of birth control pills, steroids, seizures or medications for mental illness.
* Lack of cleanliness and menstruation in women is also associated with acne.

There are many types of acne. There may be small round blisters, reddish small lumps, and large pus-filled wheels. When acne is pressed, it comes out like grains of rice. Some acne can be very painful. It can also cause pores on the skin. Acne can have serious psychological consequences, especially for adolescents.

Most acne can be eliminated or reduced through awareness. However, considering the importance of the infection, one has to seek the help of a dermatologist or dermatologist. If left untreated, acne can often cause serious skin damage, especially deep inflammation of the skin. This may require the application of ointments, antibiotics, or retinoids.
* If you have dandruff on your head, get rid of dandruff by using antidandruff shampoo.
* If you do not have allergies, you can use benzyl peroxide lotion.

Some misconceptions
Many people stop using soap on their face when they have acne, but it is beneficial to wash their face with soap at this time, because soap removes the oily feeling of the face and keeps the pores clean.

NH, 10 May