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Adequate rest and sleep is needed to keep the body healthy! So know the qualities of lettuce leaves

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Own report: Lettuce leaves! We all know this page. Many historians say that the cultivation of this green leaf was first started by the Egyptians. They used to cultivate this leaf as a vegetable. Even oil was extracted from the seeds of this leaf. Although later cultivation of these lettuce leaves was started by the Greeks and Romans.

Another name for lettuce leaves is iceberg lettuce. The reason for this weird name is that lettuce or any other vegetable would have been spoiled if it had not been refrigerated earlier. Refrigerators were not available everywhere in the twentieth century. So the people of California used to store vegetables through ice. Since then it has been called Iceberg.

Lettuce leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals. These leaves contain Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin B-6, Iron, Potassium etc.

Lettuce leaves can fight cancer. Because it contains antioxidants like beta carotene and lutein. Such antioxidants reduce the growth of cancer cells.

Lettuce leaves help with sleep. If you eat too much lettuce, you will soon fall asleep. This is because it contains a substance called lacticarium which helps in sleeping.