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After Fuchsar, Kishwar won the hearts of MasterChef with Bengali Khichuri-Purple Mashed-Fried Fish!

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  • Not only in language, Bengali cuisine is famous all over the world.
  • This time Bangatnaya Kishore Chowdhury added another new feather to that fame.
  • The food that Bengalis do not need on any occasion is khichuri. Mood is needed to eat khichuri, not season.

This time the digital desk: Not only in language, Bengali cuisine is famous all over the world. This time Bangatnaya Kishore Chowdhury added another new feather to that fame. The food that Bengalis do not need on any occasion is khichuri. Mood is needed to eat khichuri, not season. When the mood is on, roast, shrimp, vegetables — any khichuri. Bengali in any season Khichuri (khichuri) pair match weight.

Make khichuri when it is raining, eat khichuri when it is a little cold, cook khichuri a little thin when it is a little hot. And that khichuri was served by the Australian reality show Masterchef ( Australia Masterchef) On stage.

The judges were impressed when Kishore Chowdhury Khichuri, a contestant of Bangladeshi descent, appeared with more variety. Masterchef (Australia Masterchef) In the 26th episode of the 13th season of Australia, 11 people including teenagers were challenged. Kishwar cooked khichuri in the competition, Eggplant mashed And fish fried platter. The judges asked Khichuri to explain the other terms. Kishore said, ‘I have brought dinner for three people in a container. There is eggplant mash, khichuri and fried fish. Common food that I like to cook for my family ‘. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to cook and feed my children,” he said. He named the eggplant mash as Smoked Eggplant Vegetarian.

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One of the judges of the show, Joke Jonfrilo, ate khichuri and brinjal mash and was full of praise. Trying the combination of eggplant paste with khichuri, he said, ‘You are a really great cook. It tastes like if I were your child ‘!’ The other two judges, Melissa Leung and Andy Allen, praised in the same way.

This Bengali Kishwar Chowdhury has a longing for cooking. Although he was born in Bangladesh, he has been living in Australia for many years. Teenagers ( Kishwar Chowdhury) Love to cook. In addition to feeding. Bengali cooking is his special choice. He also wants to write a book on cooking later. Kishore also said that he had cooked fish soup before and gave the first test to his son and daughter. Later he wants to write a book on Bengali cooking. Kishore has gone through several episodes in this competition.

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2021-05-30 14:31:30
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