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Android PM VP is leaving Google and going to Chinese mobile company!

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hugo barraHugo Bara, Vice President of Android Product Management Google Leaving and joining Chinese mobile company Xiaomi. Mr. Hugo is one of them Google Plus In the post Confirmed the news. He says from now on his new identity will be “Xiaomi Global Vice President”; Hugo Barr’s goal is to help the Chinese telecom company spread its products and business worldwide.

Mr. Hugo is present Android Best wishes for the team. He especially wished Andy Rubin, Hiroshi Lockimer, Sundar Pichai and Vic Gandotra a bright future.

Hugo Bara Google Android Was becoming a familiar face in the world of operating systems. Its major role can be seen in the I / O Developer Conference.

Xiaomi, the maker of Android phones, has been gaining popularity in the Chinese mobile market for the past two years. The company has already moved to a leading position with their smartphones. Xiaomi has even shipped more handsets there than the Apple iPhone.

Meanwhile, Google has confirmed the news of Hugo Bara’s resignation. This web giant greets Mr. Hugo. Google says we’ll miss him and we’re excited for him to be in the Android ecosystem.

It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.

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