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Annoyed by traffic jams? Do these few exercises within that time

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This time living desk: We get tired before the office work starts due to various reasons like running in the morning, getting stuck in traffic jam on the way to the office, pollution etc. Half-tired, annoyed by the rush, I get to the office, and then the lime falls from the drink and I catch fire. However, there are some exercises that can be done to increase your energy and keep your mood good while you are stuck in this traffic. Here are some simple and easy exercises:
Seated head massage

Keep the spine and head straight. Inhale and raise the right arm. Place the palm of the hand over the head. Gently massage over the head. Clockwise massage should be done round and round. Breathe normally and comfortably during this exercise. Start to feel free of tension.

Take back your relief with the help of eye exercises

In this case also keep the spine and head straight. Close your eyes. Blink the eyes quickly for 10-15 minutes. Blink your eyes slowly for 10-15 minutes. Keep your eyes as tight as possible. Keep your eyes open as wide as possible. Keep doing this for a few minutes. Continue breathing normally. Feel free to get rid of all your worries and fatigue from your eyes and surroundings.

J release

Keep the spine and head straight. Place the tip of three fingers on the chin. Find the muscles that are like knots. Keep your face relaxed. Massage the knotted muscle in a circular motion by pressing firmly. Move your finger from the J line to the chin while holding firmly. Go this way for a few minutes. Continue breathing normally. The hard and firm expression on the face will slowly begin to cut.

Neck rolls

Keep the spine and head straight. Inhale, lift the chin and push the head back. Feel the tension in the throat and throat muscles. Stay that way for a few seconds. As soon as you exhale, lower your chin to your chest. Slowly turn your head to Clock Wise and Anti Clock Wise. You will see that your throat is slowly getting relieved.

Stretch from ear to shoulder

Keep the spine and head straight. Inhale and raise your shoulder to your ear. Stay like this for a while.
Exhale and lower your shoulders. Do this several times. The muscles of the upper back will contract. As a result of stretching the spine, your energy will slowly return.

Body shaking

Sit up straight and tall. Keep the spine, neck and head straight in the same line. Bring the head close to the chest.
Relax and loosen your wrists, neck and head. The stiffness of the body will gradually decrease.

Twist the body from sitting

Keep the spine and head straight. Inhale and raise your shoulder to your ear. Inhale and twist your body to the right. Twist the spine as much as possible. Stay like this for 5 seconds. Exhale and return to the previous position. Do this exercise by twisting the body to the left in this way.

According to yoga experts, if you can take 5-10 minutes for this short and easy exercise, your body and mind will be better. If you ever get stuck in a traffic jam or in a situation where your head is heavy with worries and annoyances, you can try these simple yoga poses. The brain will be light, the mood will be lively.

What kind of diet to follow for anti stress?

Exhaustion and anxiety can also be eliminated through food and chess. So if you pay close attention to your diet at the beginning of the day, you can reap the benefits:

1. Fruits like strawberries, oranges, guavas, pineapples are rich in vitamin C. These are useful for reducing stress. The nutrients present in these fruits help in relieving fatigue.

2. Being rich in tryptophan, beans and peas will help the body fight stress. This amino acid produces serotonin. Serotonin helps a person stay happy and well.

3. Bananas also contain large amounts of tryptophan. It even contains a type of protein that is converted to serotonin. In addition, bananas are rich in vitamin B and potassium. Which can fight against cravings.

4. Oats and brown rice are rich in lean protein, vitamin B complex, amino acids and essential vitamins. All of these together can eliminate anxiety and keep the body in balance.

5. Milk also helps to keep the body calm. A protein called lactium lowers the levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

. Almonds are super food for the brain. Rich in antioxidants, almonds relax muscles and reduce stress.

So if you include these foods in your diet in the morning and feel more stressed, do simple and small exercises. As a result, both mind and body can be kept strong.

Health and Fitness Tips in Bengali Bodybuilding, Yoga and Exercise Tips in Bangla
2021-07-02 16:26:36
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