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Another powerful weapon against corona, 90% effective Novavax vaccine – Kolkata24x7

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Washington: The world has got another powerful weapon against the Corona Pandemic. Vaccine manufacturers claim that the novavax vaccine is up to 90 percent effective against all forms of corona. It was revealed in a large and final study conducted in the United States and Mexico.

Vaccine deficit will be filled!
Based on the information published by the company, it is known that this vaccine (novavax) is completely safe. The news comes at a time when vaccination campaigns are at an all-time high in many countries around the world. As a result, there is a shortage of vaccines. However, demand for the anti-Covid-19 vaccine has declined in the United States. However, there is a need for more vaccines around the world. The Novavax vaccine is easy to store and transport and is expected to play a key role in expanding vaccine supply to developing countries.

100 million doses will be ready by September
The company says it plans to approve the novavax vaccine for use in the United States, Europe and elsewhere by the end of September, and by then it will be able to produce one million doses a month. “Many of our initial doses will go to low-middle-income countries,” said Stanley Ark, chief executive of NovaVax. “If we look at American statistics, so far more than half the population has received the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine,” he said. Although less than one percent of people in developing countries receive a single dose of the vaccine.

The vaccine was tested on 30,000 people
About 30,000 18-year-olds from the United States and Mexico were involved in the Novavax trial. Two-thirds were given two doses of the vaccine at three-week intervals, while the rest were given a dummy vaccine.

Also effective for UK Corona variants
The company says the vaccine (novavax) is effective against all types of coronavirus. This includes the British corona, which is widely used in the United States. In addition, the vaccine was effective in high-risk groups, including the elderly and those with health problems. The side effects were mostly mild and there was pain at the injection site, Erk said. No blood clots or heart problems were seen.

The vaccine should be kept at standard temperature in the fridge
The Novavax vaccine can be stored at standard refrigerator temperatures and is easily delivered.

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2021-06-14 20:44:18
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