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Apple made a great advertisement about the Apple-Samsung conflict !!!

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ms wp 1Software giant Microsoft Them Windows Phone operating system Tested several themes in powered mobile ads. But Redmond’s latest ad is based on a really great plot. 1 minute duration This video ed Built around a wedding reception. There, a newlywed couple was first introduced. The invited guests are divided into two rows. Everyone in a row Apple Fans and everyone in the other row Samsung Fans.

ms wp 2The first few seconds of the ceremony were well spent, but the people present went to take pictures of the bride and groom Obstacles to obstacles. A man leans forward to take a picture of the newlyweds on his “giant” Galaxy device. IPhone The user says “Excuse me! Will you remove your huge phone (before my eyes)? ” Because, (that Apple fan) gentleman because of the Galaxy tablet On the iPhone Could not capture image.

ms wp ad 3In the meantime, the guests of the show started fighting for Apple and Samsung with 50/50 percent. One Samsung Fans reprimand Apple fans for saying “iSheep / iShip (sheep ?!)”. At the same time, Apple fans called Samsung “copybox (duplicate box or duplicator ?!)”. Another old lady searches the Siri app on her iPhone saying “One trick pony”. Here, Samsung has been mocked. Because Apple According to Samsung, it is very good at copy-paste. The lady replied on behalf of a galaxy owner IPhone Concerning whether the age is suitable for use The rebuke comes.

ms wp ad 4In the meantime, the situation is getting more serious. Fans of the two companies clashed extensively. At one stage of the vandalism, the two servants of the show relied on each other for Windows Phone OS. Nokia Lumia Talk about 920 smartphones and stop “fighting” on the screen Nokia Lumia 920 (or Windows smartphone) The suggestion to use floated.

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