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Apply some tricks to get kids into proper eating habits – Kolkata24x7

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Only mothers know the dangers of feeding, bathing, or feeding their babies on time. It takes a whole day to feed him on time or do other chores. Mothers have to stay behind all the time. And for this reason, mothers are villains to most of the children. However, some mothers say that they do not want their children to have proper eating habits and proper lifestyle habits. In this case, the child should not just gossip or lie behind him all day. Apply some new tricks. Follow a few simple things.

Be careful with your habits – your child is learning what you are doing all day. Suppose you are busy on social media on the phone all day or you have a habit of watching more TV, or if you consume more cold drinks, fast food, cigarettes or alcohol, it is all in your child’s eyes. Kids learn that

Which is big to look at. So if you want to build the right habits of the child, first of all change your habits.
Schedule meals – When to have breakfast in the morning, when to have a tiffin, when to have lunch – all adhere to a set time. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. When everyone in the house adheres to a certain discipline, you will see that the child will learn right from that.

Involve the baby in cooking – Most mothers keep the baby away from the kitchen. It should not be done at all. When you cook, get your child involved in cooking. Show how to spell a food, tell the quality of a food in a funny way. You will see that the child will learn the right thing. Learning to recognize vegetables and fruits will make it easier for a child to develop proper eating habits.

Give importance to the child’s opinion – involve the child in different topics of the house. Get her opinion. Only then will the child understand his importance in the family. At the same time learn to judge right and wrong. Create new recipes – all mothers want their children to eat vegetables and fruits. Nutritious food will keep the baby healthy. Meanwhile, the child is as allergic to nutritious food. So use your intellect. Make a recipe with vegetables that he will love to eat. If you use the internet, you will find different types of food for children.

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2021-06-11 07:56:27
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