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Are Steve Jobs’ inventions really “obsolete”?

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In a report in the English newspaper Daily Mail a week ago Apple With a previously unpublished video interview of founder Steve Jobs Report Is published. The 1 minute 46 second clip was posted from a YouTube profile called “Every Steve Jobs Video”. This interview was recorded in 1994 and this is the first time it has been made public.

As can be seen in the video, Mr. Jobs says that all inventions in technology are bound to become obsolete within a few years. One of the main reasons for this is the new innovations and the growing demand.

“This is not an area where anyone will draw a picture and people will see it for centuries.”

In 1994, when Steve Jobs was just 39, he said in that interview, “When I’m 50, all my life’s work will be outdated”;

“It (the technology world) is a place where no one writes a policy that will last for 200 years. This is not a place where one would draw a picture and people would see it for centuries, or build a church that would be appreciated by people for hundreds of years and everyone would be amazed. No …… it’s a place where everyone does their own thing and it gets lost in a decade and really after 10 or 20 years they can’t be used anymore “; “Nah… it’s not something like the Renaissance, but something different”;

“It’s like a mountain of silt. You are all building a hill together, where you gave your polituku. In this way he made the mountain higher. If someone does not see with perfect eyes, then your contribution will not be seen with his eyes. Only a rare geologist can catch your eyeballs “;

Steve Jobs died of cancer in 2011 at the age of 56. In his farewell, innumerable people became mourners. Although not all of Steve’s inventions are now being used, his concerns have not all become “obsolete.” At least IPhone, IPad, ICloud etc. products / services will remember Steve Jobs for many more days.

Watch the video discussed here:

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