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Are you taking precautions against rain and temperature change during Corona?

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  • Sudden rain does not feel bad in strong heat The temperature is dropping from time to time due to sudden storms.
  • But there are some problems with flying. This huge difference in temperature cannot take our body.
  • Especially those who are a little weak or have low immunity, they have more problems.

This time Digital DeskSuddenly in a frenzy Rain It doesn’t feel bad The temperature is dropping from time to time due to sudden storms. But there are some problems with flying. This huge difference in temperature cannot take our body. Especially those who are a little weak or Immunity The less, the more problems they have. They are usually overwhelmed by viral fever or cold-cough. Be more careful in the amazement of this untimely rain in this full Baishakh at the time of Atimari Children and adults in particular need to be careful not to catch a cold.

Killing Don’t The virus has left the house under siege again. If mosquitoes grow in it, then dengue and malaria will spread very fast. So do not allow rain water to accumulate anywhere. Remove all broken pieces as soon as possible as the storm may break the tub. Do not leave discarded tires, coconut shells, etc. in any place, as water may accumulate in it. Now a lot of cars are lying around our houses in unused condition – we have to check to see if they are becoming mosquito nests.

Because of Corona, many of us are at home now, so there is not much of a difference in temperature. Most of the people are not getting into the AC even after getting wet in the rain. So viral fever is getting less and less. Apart from that, the children are not going to school, no one who has a cold or cough will get a chance to come very close to you. So the number of such infections is low. But it will be difficult to start spreading dengue or malaria.

In addition to keeping the house and its surroundings waterless, follow a few rules. The house should be kept clean by sweeping. Those who have cubs, be more careful. Dengue mosquitoes lay their eggs in still, closed water. In case of mosquitoes, follow the procedure that seems to be most effective for eradicating it.

Infallible weapon mask and sanitizer to deal with covid These two habits should not be disturbed as the temperature drops in the rain Wash your hands frequently with soap or sanitizer If you leave home, you must wear a mask Do not wear unwashed mask Make sure the mask dries properly with other clothes on a rainy day. If you wear a wet mask, it will be the opposite So enjoy the rain from the windows of the house But by following the rules of Kovid as well as general health

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2021-05-12 16:00:20
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