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‘Banked Ads’ for iPhone 5C and 5S: Apple’s “Most Honest Promo”

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iphone goldTech giant Apple The latest smartphone duo IPhone Many have already got 5C and 5S in their hands. And the rest of us are probably in a dilemma of “which one to keep and which one to take”. At the same time, there are discussions and criticisms about two models, about a dozen (more or less) color variants, security, etc. Two ads from the “Band iPhone Promo” series can help you with this. Famous technology site Mashable Is calling these Apple As the most honest advertisement or “Most Honest Commercial”.

These two add you IPhone Will give some information about the value of Five C and Five S. These are created by comedian John Elerick where the various difficulties of the two devices are highlighted with humor.

It says about the iPhone 5C, “If you think we’re sorry here (about the iPhone), then you’re out of your f *** ing mind. Nobody is apologizing for this sh * t ”.

And about the risk of fingerprint scanners on the iPhone 5S, the ad said, “Now if people keep losing their big toes, we’re going to face a lot of lawsuits.”

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