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Beauty Brown Sugar – DesheBideshe – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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Beauty is not a chemical product, rely on some home-made packs. Brown sugar can be useful in this case.

This will help to brighten the natural glow of the skin.

To restore the lost sheen of the skin: If this rule can be used, the dead cells will be rejuvenated. The fresher the skin, the more naturally its sheen shines.

You can apply it not only on the face, but also on your hands, feet or neck. Feel an instant chill.

To solve chapped lips: Even in hot weather, many people have cracked lips. So any lip balm made with brown sugar base can be used on regular lips. It maintains the moisture of the lips.

Scrubbing: This brown sugar is made from the ingredients of molasses, sugar and salt. We know that sugar generally has scrubbing properties.

Salt again easily mixes with the skin. And the sweetness of molasses gives coolness to the skin.

Acne Problems: Brown sugar is rich in antioxidants. It does not have any harmful effects on the skin.

In addition to this, it is easy to get relief from dry skin. You can do Sugar Facial yourself at home once a week.

Skin spots: Brown sugar is high in glycolic. This sugar can remove burns or any other spots on any part of the skin. If you apply it regularly, you will get results.

MN / 06 May

Health | DesheBideshe
2021-05-06 14:26:30
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