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Beauty in Coconut Water – DesheBideshe – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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Beauty develops in two ways external and internal. No matter how much you take care of the whole body from the outside, if all the internal organs of the body do not work properly, various problems will appear on the skin. So you have to do beauty treatments, you have to put all the nutritious ingredients in the food list. And the more beauty you can do naturally, the better. Because, there are very few harmful side effects of natural things. One such natural ingredient in beauty treatments is coconut water.

Coconut is rich in Vitamin C and A. Both of these vitamins strengthen skin and hair. Protects nails from brittleness. Brings brilliance to the nails. Vitamin A relieves scarring under the eyes and weakness of the eye muscles. Many people have allergies to the eyelids. As a result, you cannot use mascara or eyeliner. The petals have small white granular or sticky feel. Vitamin A eliminates these problems. For those who regularly wash their face with coconut water, these problems are relatively less. This is because the special ingredients in coconut water help to destroy harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi for the skin.

When washing your face with coconut water, you should wash your face with your eyes closed, you cannot keep your eyes open. And after washing your face with coconut water, you get a light sticky feeling on your face. For this, after five to 10 minutes of giving coconut water to the face, wash your face with normal water. Those whose skin is very oily, they should not just wash their face with coconut water, wash their face with a good face wash and then give coconut water. This is because of the accumulation of dirt in the pores of oily skin.

Excessive heat, sun exposure, busyness, stress have a negative effect on skin and hair. Impressions are gained in a fluid, global, diffused way. In this case, coconut water will give you freshness. This is because it contains a lot of sodium, chloride and potassium, which eliminates dehydration and eliminates fatigue and brightens the complexion. Its positive effects are seen on the skin and hair for proper blood circulation throughout the body. This protects the hair from brittleness and strengthens the hair follicles.

Coconut water contains a lot of vitamin B complex. This vitamin keeps the human nervous system strong. When nerves are active, skin, hair and gums are healthy. The human head has a large number of veins, sub-veins and nerves. If the blood flows properly through the veins and sub-veins and the nerves are fresh, the roots of each hair will be strong.
Hair should be kept clean regularly and care should be taken to understand the type of hair. Deficiency of vitamin B complex and sodium chloride in the body, many people get lip skin. Even in summer, the skin of the lips gets cracked like in winter. Pale white feeling comes on the lips. Even if you apply lip gel, lipgloss or lipstick, the white skin of the lips comes up. Dead skin on the lips sometimes appears on the lip gel.

To get rid of this condition you need to drink plenty of coconut water. Eat at least two packets of saline a week. And do not tear the skin of the lips with your hands or nails. Patients with high blood pressure should not take Orsaline without measuring blood pressure. Because, eating saline raises blood pressure quickly.
Coconut water also contains sufficient amount of iron. Iron is an important element in making blood. Properly covered, it will withstand a great deal of adverse conditions. If the amount of iron in the body is right, the skin will be bright and smooth.

Coconut water also contains high levels of mineral salts, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. These mineral salts enhance the brightness of teeth. Strengthens the gums. Many have bleeding gums. The gums turn dark red. It can be seen while laughing or talking. Mineral salt will get rid of this condition. Besides, if the bones are strong, walking is also a kind of confidence.

In this heat, the internal and external body temperature of everyone, big or small, increases. The skin becomes reddish black. Coconut water keeps the body cool by lowering the internal temperature of the body. Its contribution is essential to retain youth. Coconut water is more nutritious than any soft drink. Because, it is a natural means of beauty and fat free drink. Coconut water is good for diabetics despite being sweet. Because, this water keeps the blood clean. However, refrain from drinking coconut water for kidney problems.
However, for beauty, you don’t just have to drink coconut water or clean your face with this water, you need regular nutritious food, controlled weight and healthy environment. In the crowd of adulterated food, the means of natural beauty will retain your beauty for a long time. That is why coconut water is called ‘Fluid of Life’.