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Beer has many health benefits, you will be surprised to know – Kolkata24x7

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Kolkata24x7: Traditional life requires temporary relief. When life gets tired of carrying the burden of thousands of tasks, carrying the burden of various responsibilities, then it is necessary to relax a little. Many people drink alcohol at festivals or other occasions to relieve their mental fatigue and loneliness. Ram, whiskey, vodka as well as beer are considered as a popular drink in this case.

Beer contains much less alcohol, which is why many people prefer to drink beer. This beer again has many health benefits. Pregnant women, those suffering from arthritis, liver disease, should not eat beer at all. Let’s take a look at the physical properties of beer

1. Low calorie added: Beer is a natural drink. Beer is low in calories. Beer is also fat and cholesterol free. Fat increases our weight and cholesterol damages the heart. So drinking beer does not have all these possibilities.

2. Vitamin B Rich: Beer is a drink rich in vitamin B. Vitamin B is mainly found in folic acid beer which helps to keep our heart healthy. Beer is rich in fiber which is beneficial for our body. Drinking beer also increases magnesium and potassium levels in the body.

3. Prevents heart attack: Beer prevents heart attack. Beer contains alcohol, according to a report published in a British journal. Moderate alcohol reduces the risk of coronary heart disease by 24.7 percent.

4. Prevents cancer: Beer prevents cancer. Beer contains an antioxidant called xanthumol. Which prevents cancer

5. Controls Cholesterol: Drinking beer does not increase the level of cholesterol in the body because beer does not contain cholesterol. In addition, beer regulates cholesterol levels in the human body. Beer lowers bad cholesterol and raises good cholesterol levels.

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2021-05-09 01:20:53
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