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Bees – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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Own report: Bee bee, where to go nachi nachi! The bee in this rhyme is an independent insect that flies around on its own. No matter how hard he works, he has no obligation to work. But in this corona-episode it can no longer be said. Now on the bee’s shoulder, on the wings of the bee is a huge workload. He does not have to identify the patient now!

It’s not just fun. Scientists are testing bees.honeybees) Do not swear to the patient (corona) Can be used for identification. It also reduces costs and reduces happiness. This hand-held bee-technology, instead of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, may be more effective than in poorer countries.

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To this end, scientists trained 150 bees. The training is performed in Pavlovian conditioning method. Insects are given a solution of sugary water every time they smell a coronavirus. But when they fail to detect the smell of coronavirus in this way, they are no longer given sugar water. Scientists bring these coronavirus samples to bees. Through these samples, they became smart. These trained bees will be able to detect samples of Kovid-19 infected people by smelling them later. The bees are actually getting the sweet water as a reward if they can identify the specimens of Kovid. If you can’t identify, nothing matches.

insect Sniffing, of course, is nothing new. In the late 1990’s, some countries used defenses to identify explosives using insects, such as wasps or grasshoppers. Insects have also been used in the past to search for landmines or minerals.

Special training of bees is being conducted in the laboratory of Wageningen University in the Netherlands. There, bees are being allowed to identify samples of patients infected with Kovid-19. The bees participating in the training are spreading long and delicate trunks at the time of detection of specimens infected with Covid-19. Such is the observation of scientists.

“Initially, we collected bees from beekeepers,” said Wim van der Poel, director of the project. Then I put them in a special system. After becoming accustomed to the system, positive corona samples were placed in front of the bees as part of the training. And sugary water has been given.

Read more: Not only vaccines, but also corona-coping medicine will match this time!

Zee24GhantaHealth News
2021-05-08 18:32:13
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