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Behera helps to increase digestion! – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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Behera is a kind of medicinal fruit. Behera fruit has been used as the oldest ayurvedic medicine in the subcontinent. Behera is specially refined and its fruits, seeds and bark are used in prevention and treatment of various human diseases.

Let’s find out the medicinal properties of behera fruit-

To increase digestionBehera enhances digestion. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Eat this powder twice a day with water. You can follow the same procedure to get rid of hunger pangs.

Stay away from diarrheaSuffering from diarrhea? Then drink water mixed with behera powder every morning. Will benefit.

To get rid of asthmaChewing the seeds of behera seeds at 2 hour intervals can get rid of asthma. However, follow this procedure as advised by the doctor.

Destroys wormsWorms in the stomach? Behera is at hand as a solution.

Remedy for diarrheaIn case of diarrhea, you can take it mixed with water. Playing in small doses does not cause any side effects. However, the doctor’s advice should be followed.

InsomniaSleepless nights? From now on, eat behera for a good night’s sleep.

To prevent hair maturationMix 10 grams of behera bark with water and crush it. Strain the crushed object into a cup of water. Now wash your hair with Panituku.

NH, 18 May

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Health | DesheBideshe
2021-05-16 08:27:29
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