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Benefits and Nutrition of Carrots – DesheBideshe – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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As delicious as eating carrots is, its health and nutritional benefits are many. Carrots are the best quality nutritious food. Which plays an important role in the prevention of various diseases. Carrots are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, D, E, K, B1 and Vitamin B6. It is also rich in biotin, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, organic sodium and other minerals.

The qualities of carrots are highlighted:

Carrots are very effective in the production of blood cells in the human body.

Regular consumption of carrot juice prevents heart disease and stroke.

The anti-oxygen content of carrots protects the respiratory system from various infectious diseases.

Eating a carrot with food every day eliminates the risk of cancer.

Carrot fertilizer lowers blood water and cholesterol levels.

Carrot juice prevents various diseases including phlegm, sinusitis, mucus in the larynx.

The nutrients in carrots keep the eye system in good condition.

Regular consumption of carrot juice relieves physical weakness.

Carrots protect the body from various inflammatory diseases, rheumatism and gout.

The nutrients in carrot juice help to cleanse and purify the kidneys.

Carrot juice enhances the nature and quantity of breast milk.

Regular consumption of carrot juice during pregnancy, especially in the last few months, eliminates the possibility of jaundice in the baby.

Vitamin C and other nutrients in carrots keep the skin soft, relieve dryness and other problems.

Drinking a small cup of carrot juice a week removes worms from children’s yarn.

Drinking carrot juice prevents ulcers.

Carrot juice is an excellent diuretic. Increases the water holding capacity of the body, especially in pregnant women.

NH, 18 May