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Benefits-Disadvantages of Tea Benefits-Disadvantages of Tea – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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Advantages and disadvantages of tea

One cup of tea is not comparable to relieve fatigue. And tea has an unimaginable attraction. Many of us do not know much about the quality of tea. Nowadays, scientists say, tea has many benefits in preventing cancer. Of course, nothing definite has been known about this yet. However, some components of tea work to protect the DNA of living cells. This reduces the risk of cancer.

Tea plays a very important role in maintaining health. Although the nutritional value is small, it contains some important ingredients. Such as polyphenols, flavonoids and catechins. Polyphenols and catechins inhibit the formation of free radicals and prevent cell damage. That is why tea plays an important role in preventing cancer. The amount of polyphenols present in tea is more than 25% which helps in controlling high blood pressure inside the body.

Tea contains 6% theophylline and theobromine which is very beneficial for shortness of breath and asthma. Although tea is rich in antioxidants, it contains a stimulant called caffeine. One cup of tea usually contains (30-40) milligrams of caffeine and one cup of coffee contains almost twice as much (75 mg) of caffeine. In fact, caffeine can cause sleep deprivation, digestive disorders, etc. However, there are some good aspects of this caffeine. It helps to keep the heart and other muscles of the body fresh.

Since tea is an integral part of our daily busy lives, it is vital to know how much it benefits and harms our health. Today let’s learn about the advantages and disadvantages of drinking tea.

Many people are more inclined towards green tea to keep their figure straight. Green tea was first a medicine, then a drink.

A study in Japan found that those who drank more than two cups of green tea a day were much more mentally fit. Green tea contains vitamins A, C, E, calcium, magnesium and various minerals which are required by every human body. Regular consumption of green tea also reduces the risk of cancer.

Also beneficial for kidney disease. Reduces the risk of heart attack. If the area is itchy and swollen after being bitten by insects, then it is comfortable to cover it with green tea leaves. Lowers blood cholesterol levels. Beneficial for diabetes.

* Tea contains a chemical called epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG), which is a very effective anti-oxidant. It is 100 times more effective than Vitamin C. It protects the DNA cell in such a way that it does not undergo the effects of cancer.

* Green tea is relatively good, as it is made by steaming and drying tea leaves.

* Green tea’s EGCG inhibits the production of an enzyme called urokinase. This enzyme helps increase the number of cancer cells.

* Only tea is more beneficial. The taste of tea mixed with milk and sugar is better. However, scientists say more about light red tea.

In addition, tea lowers blood cholesterol levels. Also beneficial for diabetes. Tea liqueur prevents tooth decay and strengthens gums. Applying green tea liqueur on the cut area stops bleeding. Regular drinking of tea improves blood circulation Keeps the stomach clean and keeps the brain active

However, there are some misconceptions about tea. For example, drinking tea does not cause sleep at night, tea damages the liver, blackens the skin, etc. Although the skin color will not be black after drinking tea. Because skin color depends on the activity of melanocyte cells. Drinking tea does not harm the liver. However, it should be kept in mind that drinking excess tea will have the opposite effect. For example, fatigue may occur and constipation may occur.

However, tea should be drunk at the right time. We also drink tea or coffee after breakfast or lunch. For many it is a daily habit. Because drinking tea and coffee has many benefits. However, this habit is not healthy. Drinking tea at the right time or in the right way can cause side effects in the body. In addition to the benefits, the body may be deprived of essential nutrients from other foods and may cause indigestion. Even if you drink tea before meals, digestion is obstructed so that the required nutrients are not obtained from the food. Tea should not be drunk immediately after eating. This can lead to the following problems:

* Tea absorbs iron from food. This is because tea or coffee contains a substance called polyphenol gestanine which absorbs iron or mixes iron with gestanin to get out of the body.
* Tea prevents the absorption of thiamine or vitamin B in the body which is one of the causes of beriberi.
* Tea absorbs carbs and vitamins from food and the body cannot digest these foods.
* Tea contains a substance called acidum tenicums and gestiophyllins which interferes with digestion in the stomach.

There are many benefits to drinking tea at the right time. Let’s not know the right time to drink tea-

* Drink tea at least half an hour before meals or one hour after meals.
* Drink tea or coffee 1 to 2 hours after breakfast, lunch and dinner.
* Those who have anemia, younger girls or women who are not old should take this precaution.
৮ Those who have problems with digestion and acidity should also take this precaution.


Health – Jamuna Television
2021-06-04 15:01:15
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