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Best Sleep PositionHow to stay healthy? Find out what the experts are saying

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  • Different people have different sleep types (Best Sleep Position).
  • Some sleep on their stomachs, others on their backs. Some people feel comfortable sleeping on the right side.
  • Again, in some cases, if you do not go back to the left side, you will not sleep well.
  • However, one of these types of sleep is good for health.

This time the digital desk: Different people have different sleep types (Best Sleep Position). Some sleep on their stomachs, others on their backs. Some people feel comfortable sleeping on the right side. Again, in some cases, if you do not go back to the left side, you will not sleep well. However, one of these types of sleep is good for health. According to science, sleeping on the left side can bring various physical benefits to a person.

Learn about the benefits of sleeping on the left side:

Reduces nasal congestion
Does your nasal roar make the bedroom tremble? When you wake up in the morning to hear your partner’s various complaints? If so, make it a habit to go back to sleep on the left side without delay. When sleeping on the back, there is a tendency to snore loudly. Because if you sleep in this way, your tongue, mouth and jaw are at ease. As a result, the sound of snoring is also intense.

Good for the heart
Sleeping back on the left side will make your heart work a little less. Because if you sleep in this way, blood can flow easily through the heart to the whole body.

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Helps to reduce acid reflux
If you overeat before going to bed, you may experience acid reflux while sleeping at night. Therefore, according to experts, sleeping on the left side can reduce this tendency.

Pregnant women can also take advantage of this
Pregnant women often turn left Sleeping advice Is given. Why? This is because the uterus puts pressure on the liver when sleeping on the right side (the liver is on the right side of the body). In addition, sleeping on the left side reduces the pressure on the back. Even the blood flow to the kidneys, uterus and fetus is increased. So doctors advise pregnant women to sleep on the left side as much as possible.

Helps the lymph nodes
Sleeping on the left side makes the work of lymph nodes easier. As a result, various body fluids can be purified very quickly. But on the other hand, sleeping on the right side slows down the functioning of these lymph nodes. Studies have shown that sleeping on the left side can help the body process various brain wastes.

May increase digestive energy
According to the general law of gravity, sleeping on the left side is easier than on the right. When sleeping on the left side, waste products can easily reach the descending colon from the colon. That is, there is a possibility of bowel movement as soon as you wake up. Sleeping on the left side will allow the abdomen and pancreas to hang normally. As a result, pancreatic enzymes and other processes in digestion will run smoothly.

May reduce back pain
People who suffer from acute and chronic back pain may benefit from sleeping on the left side. Because sleeping on the left side puts less pressure on the spine.

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2021-06-15 13:44:47
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