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Bharat Biotech – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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Own report: Covishield or covacin, which vaccine produces more antibodies? This is when the debate is raging. The new announcement was made by Bharat Biotech, a Hyderabad-based vaccine manufacturer. The company said it would soon begin a fourth phase trial of the covacin.

The third phase of covacin trial has already been completed, Bharat Biotic said on Wednesday. That trial report will be released next month. The fourth phase of covacin trial will begin soon. The agency claims that doubts about the effectiveness of the covacin will be dispelled as soon as the trial report is released.

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The controversy stems from a recent survey. Where it has been claimed, Covishield of Serum Institute is capable of producing more antibodies than Covacin made by India Biotech. Despite the government’s claim, the two vaccines are made in two ways. As a result, their effectiveness is different. However, both vaccines are able to work equally well to prevent corona.

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