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Blood sugar? Indian diabetics know what diet should be.

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  • Diabetes has become a very common health problem lately. There are two common types of diabetes.
  • Type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Insulin is not produced in the body of a person with type 1 diabetes.
  • On the other hand, in people with type 2 diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin or even if it does, it does not work properly.

This time the digital desk:Diabetes It has become a very common health problem lately. There are two common types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Insulin is not produced in the body of a person with type 1 diabetes. On the other hand, in people with type 2 diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin or even if it does, it does not work properly. But if you understand the symptoms of diabetes, it is possible to cure it at home.

Some of the common symptoms of diabetes are fatigue, weight loss, excessive thirst, tendency to urinate frequently, dehydration of cuts or wounds, and blurred vision. Expert Advice – Wherever you eat at home or in a restaurant, it is up to you to follow the minimum rules. The proportion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the diet of Indians should be 80:20:20. By maintaining this balance, a diabetic can consume 1,500-1,600 calories daily. Must have two seasonal fruits and three kinds of vegetables.

What kind of diet should Indians have?
1. Include high fiber foods like rose cereals, oats, gram flour, millet. If one wants to eat pasta or noodles, one should have vegetables or sprouted grains with him.

2. Milk contains the same amount of carbohydrates and proteins. Milk regulates blood sugar levels. So eat milk twice a day.

3. Fiber rich vegetables like karaisunti, beans, broccoli or spinach should be eaten regularly. It is better to eat pulses and sprouted vegetables with it.

4. Pulses must be in the diet. Pulses have less effect on blood glucose than other carbohydrate-rich grains. Fiber-rich vegetables help lower blood sugar levels.

5. Good fats such as omega 3 and monounsaturated fats are good for the body. This type of good fat is found in linseed oil, canola oil, almond oil and oily fish. They are trans fat-free and low in cholesterol.

. Fiber-rich fruits such as papaya, apples, pears, oranges and guavas should be eaten. Mangoes, bananas and grapes have high sugar levels. So it is better to eat less than other fruits.

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. Eat in a similar pattern. That means playing five times little by little will solve the problem. Eating lots at once but can raise sugar levels. So playing a small amount of high or low-blood sugar levels will be under control. Dhokla, fruit, high fiber cookies, buttermilk, tokadai, upma, poha can be eaten in the middle of the mill.

. The diet of a patient with blood sugar should always include low carbohydrates, high fiber, moderate protein, vitamins and minerals. It is better to avoid fatty foods.

What not to do- Avoid sweets. If you want to eat something sweet, it should be made with artificial sweeteners. Drink more, but do not drink too much alcohol. Should I eat meat? If you are a vegetarian, keep marine fish and chicken in your diet. It is better not to eat red meat. Because it contains more saturated fat. People with high cholesterol should not eat red meat or egg yolks.

Diabetics should always include moderate amounts of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in their diet. Because, playing according to the plan and maintaining balance, in the end the profit is yours.

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2021-04-20 17:51:58
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