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Book Review: ‘Let there still be rain’ (Shafiqul Islam)

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The book was reviewed by Dr. Ashraf Siddiqui, Former Director General, Bangla Academy.

‘Let the rain still come’ is a unique book of poetry by the poet Shafiqul Islam. The book has been published by the next publication. I have read his poems before. Language description is clear and intensely selective. A total of 41 poems have been written in the book ‘Tabhoo Brishti Asuk’. After reading this book from beginning to end, I have already said that the mind is filled with indescribable contentment.

In the first poem of the book, in this violent world without humanity, the world sought by the poet has become the universal desire of human beings. The poet says-

‘Let there be no rain before that
In the desert of our conscience-
Let humanity blossom there,
And be cleansed, the filth of the heart. ‘

(Poetry: Still Rain Come on)

A woman named Prakriti, Prem, Nari, Muktijoddha, Maa and Sultana has filled his heart. He cannot be forgotten at all. Mother is very dear to him. My mother remembers her again and again.

I remember the beautiful Sultana, who rocked her heart. Poor his life, immortal death. So he is looking for Sultana now. For which he awaits eternity. This darling is full of her heart and mind. The water of the river merges into one like an arrow. This love is very heavenly, very beautiful. It cannot be forgotten. When nature and sultana become one in the heart.

I really enjoyed reading the book of poetry. The printing of the book is very beautiful. The cover image of Dhruv Ash is very admirable.

[গ্রন্থের নাম– তবুও বৃষ্টি আসুক, লেখক– শফিকুল ইসলাম। প্রচ্ছদ– ধ্রুব এষ। প্রকাশক– আগামী প্রকাশনী, ৩৬ বাংলাবাজার, ঢাকা–১১০০। ফোন– ৭১১১৩৩২, ৭১১০০২১। মোবাইল– ০১৮১৯২১৯০২৪]

Let the rain still come

Shafiqul Islam

Today after a long time
A gust of rain in the air,
The nectar of dried soil-
I understand now that the rain will come
Anxiety in everyone’s mind-
Busy getting home early.
Yet I do not remember the concern of the rain veg
I don’t have any noticeable busyness.

After a long sleep
Chance of desired rain
My warm feeling spreads invisible joy –
And I’m looking forward to it
Waiting for the rain –
It is raining now
Let it rain today after a long time.

Long live the rainy season –
If my whole body gets wet in rain water
Let it rain anyway –
It rained all over the sky
The rains submerged the fields.
He is in a flood of extravagant rainwater
If my land is submerged
If I sink
There is no harm.

Even so, the rain did not stop
In Ethiopia, Sudan
Drought-stricken, famine-stricken
In unfortunate Africa
Let’s spread green crop stock
The generous desert of Africa.

It rained before him
In the desert of our conscience
Let humanity blossom there,
And be cleansed, the filth of the heart.

Human compassion for people
Let there be fountains
In combination with rain –
Touches all thirsty souls
Let it flow like eternal water.

Today after a long time
It rained profusely
Today our dust is gray
Across the field of the dirty heart.

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