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‘Breaking the Bad News’, we have been fighting for 15 months

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Dr. Shaswati Sinha

The war with Kovid began in March 2020. I didn’t know anything before that, just how terrible is this virus? I heard every day that a virus was coming, it would knock out the whole world. We didn’t know anything then. How to treat the patient? When to give any medicine? What exactly can I do to free the patient from the virus? I didn’t know anything. I heard, how to treat the patient, that idea will change! At first I was very scared.

The first patient in my hands. That was a big challenge for me, for the whole team. Then I started learning one by one. How to wear PPE? How to treat the patient after the face shield? I sat down to learn everything anew. With the first patient we went through a 42 day long battle. When we healed him and handed him over to his family, it was a great achievement for our team. And from there I got the courage to fight a long war. We have been fighting for 15 months since then. But I have always won this battle, not that. Corona has had to accept the rate many times. We have lost many. I have witnessed the death of many patients from young to old day after day. The number of daily deaths and recoveries seemed to fluctuate in my head. I used to get tired of watching countless deaths holding hands. We have tried a lot to save them. I have always run and tried to revive their burning soul. But, the rate has to be complied with.

When a patient leaves in front of our eyes, some of us are taken away. Understandably, this virus should not be taken lightly. I have been watching for the last 15 months how it can ruin the lives of patients, their families, their children.

We had a young woman admitted here. She had breast cancer. But he would have recovered. But don’t stand in the way. Sudden onset of shortness of breath. Rose used to ask us, ‘Will I get well?’ ‘Can I go back to my daughter?’ But as the days went by the patient became more critical. We tried a lot. I did not make the mistake of trying from all sides. We always gave him courage. You will live, you will have to return. But such is the situation! We couldn’t get her back to her daughter. The difficult battle that has been going on in our minds over the last few months is hard to put into words.

‘Breaking the Bad News’ is a part of our profession. But I have no idea how much bad news we had to give in front of our families in this epidemic situation.

A few days ago, 3 members of the same family were admitted to our hospital. I have to save one of them (the girl of the house). Even that was a little bit of satisfaction. But what a difficult moment to bring him the news of two deaths! The fight is still going on. Feelings must be avoided and fought.

Zee24GhantaHealth News
2021-07-01 20:48:47
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