The simplest form of technology is the development and use of basic tools. The prehistoric discovery of how to control fire and the later Neolithic Revolution increased the available sources of food, and the invention of the wheel helped humans to travel in and control their environment.

Laravel 9 Crud Application Tutorial For Beginners

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Popular PHP web application framework Laravel is renowned for its beautiful syntax and resources for creating powerful web apps. Making a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application is one of the most frequent tasks in web development, and Laravel makes it simple to do so. In this tutorial, we'll go over how to create a straightforward CRUD application in Laravel. The scaffolding and required files for our application will be created using the command-line interface (CLI). Install Laravel first Installing Laravel is the first step in creating our CRUD application.  We'll utilize the Laravel installer for this, which can be installed by issuing the command: composer global require laravel/installer Step 2: Create a new Laravel project Once Laravel is installed, we can create a new project using the following command:…

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