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Children being irritable and angry in house arrest life? Learn what to do.

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  • Explain to your children that lack of control over anger can lead to emotional and physical problems.
  • If need be, sit down with the children and plan to get rid of their worries and anger.

This time living desk: Public life has been affected in many ways in this Corona Atimari era. The way of life has changed. Due to house arrest, most of the activities are done from home. Office workers are working from home. Studying again is also online. With the advent of online games, children’s outdoor activities have come down a lot. The children got the opportunity to play games away from mobiles and laptops for a few hours at school. Corona’s wrath does not have that opportunity now. Studying is also online. As a result, they are spending more time on mobile or laptop than before.

At present, children are able to get various information through social media. They also know the effects of corona in daily life. Because of Corona, this new way of life is making children angry and irritable. But anger is a normal process. But if it lasts for a long time and the mind is not calm, deep problems can arise.

There are many reasons why children are angry, irritable and aggressive

1. The main cause of depression. When children do not get what they want, their behavior gradually changes.

2. Genetics and other biological factors play a role in anger and aggression. The environment also plays an important role.

3. To solve the problem of anger in children, parents must first understand the cause of their anger. For this, the parents have to listen to the children patiently.

How do children express their anger?

1. It starts with avoiding or forbidding something. It can be understood by getting reactions like ignoring something, delusion, fear. The closure of the school has caused problems for the online classes and created an illusion. Socializing with friends is also closed due to social distance. Going somewhere is like taking a risk. In such a situation the temperament of the children is also being affected.

2. At this time the children are getting angry. Getting frustrated and worried. In this situation the feelings hidden in the mind are coming out. Corona can cause children to feel neglected by their friends and teachers. You may feel a lack of security and control in your life. Lack of support from home and family makes children vulnerable. Because they get more support from school and friends. Children do not have the experience to deal with difficult life situations. As a result, they become mentally exhausted. They express their mental exhaustion by urinating in bed, not being able to sleep well, sucking fingers, showing anger, showing tantrums.

3. The children have started trying to blackmail the parents with the help of this new situation that has come in their life due to Corona. For example, a child may not want to sanitize his hands. If you force them more then they can say that if they are allowed to play with their friends, they will sanitize their hands.

4. Depression is a deep and worrying situation. This is what happens when you feel helpless. In this situation children need to be closely monitored. At this time the children like to be alone. They do not want to meet parents, siblings, relatives or friends. Trying not to play sports, not to hang out with everyone.

5. At this time children may suffer from insecurity. They also feel the importance of new life, truth, life situation.

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What should parents do in this case?

1. Explain to your children that lack of control over anger can lead to emotional and physical problems.

2. If need be, sit down with the children and plan to get rid of their worries and anger.

3. Try to understand the situation of the children. Parents need to be more emotional at this time.

4. Develop empathy, tolerance and patience along with rational thinking. Take control of your anger and acknowledge that not all problems can be solved immediately. As a result, you can reduce the anger and rage of children.

5. Make a list of all the reasons why kids get angry. After that, make a list of each week and keep an eye on their usage.

. Praise children, give rewards for good deeds. This will make them feel encouraged.

. Children’s anger can be calmed in many ways. They can be distracted from anger by concentrating on creative activities, yoga. You can tell kids to count from 1-100, this will make it easier to reduce anger.

. Give them accurate information about Corona. It is normal for worries to increase due to misinformation. So alleviate their worries by providing accurate information.

9. Unexpected interruptions in daily life can make children feel cheated. This mentality can lead to changes in their behavior.

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10. Let the kids do some of their own daily chores. As a result, it will be possible to avoid fatigue.

11. Don’t expect too much from the kids.

12. Children’s brains are flexible. With the support of loved ones, they can easily cope with any difficult situation.

13. Be ready to accompany them and show them the way when needed.

14. We have to create an environment of love, care and happiness around the children.

15. They need to be told that they are safe.

16. They need to be given the opportunity to express their feelings. This will eliminate your child’s fatigue, anxiety and anger.

16. They should be given the opportunity and facility to express their feelings through drawing, writing, craft, photography, dance, song.

16. Parents need to remember that if you smile, your child will laugh with you. Again, if you show anger all the time, it will unknowingly become part of their nature.

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2021-05-28 17:26:22
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