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Children can get a bad education from you, find out which habits to change

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  • Many working parents have noticed that the stress of office work often leads to quarrels between them.
  • Their children see it all.
  • Later, the brothers and sisters quarreled and shouted at each other in the same way.

This time living desk: Family members are responsible for most of a child’s good or bad habits. Because children learn a lot by watching their mother, father or other family members. Let’s find out what kind of bad habits children learn from parents and how to correct them.

1. Shouting or shouting

The work pressure of the present parents has also increased due to the work pressure of the office, family worries, worries etc. This pressure is making them exhausted. At such a time when the child does something naughty, all the anger falls on them. Children notice this behavior of their parents very well and then repeat it. Many working parents have noticed that the stress of office work often leads to quarrels between them. Their children see it all. Later, the brothers and sisters quarreled and shouted at each other in the same way. In fact, the idea of ​​children, what parents are doing is right and can be done.

How to correct

Praise your child for doing well. If you do wrong, take them to a separate room and try to convince them. If you shout at the children in front of everyone, they will become exhausted. Leave office thoughts in the office. If you bring that thought into the home and cause a quarrel between husband and wife, it will have a bad effect on the child. That is why no parent should quarrel with each other in front of their children. Try to resolve differences through discussion.

2. Cellphone addiction

Most of the time parents are busy on the phone whether it is necessary or not. Children also complain to their parents that they are always busy on the phone. Some children start asking for phones for themselves at an early age. When I see my parents again, they are also busy with the phone of one or another member of the house. Not only the phone, but also the intoxication of TV among the children after watching the parents. Many people teach their children by keeping the TV on. But it hurts the children. Because they can’t concentrate on their studies.

How to correct

You can watch TV for half an hour. But parents need to make sure that the programs they watch on TV do not have a negative effect on their children. It is important to keep an eye on the TV in front of the children after the study. Parents should avoid talking on mobile phones for a long time. Unnecessary mobile phone use should also be stopped in the interest of the child.

3. Focus on fitness

Children of unhealthy parents also become unhealthy. If the child does not see his / her parents participating in exercise or outdoor activities, then they too will not realize the need for physical exercise to keep the body healthy. So both parents or any one of them should encourage the children to understand the benefits of exercise and encourage them to exercise.

How to correct

In addition to school activities or homework, children should also focus on their fitness. Parents should pay attention to their diet and fitness. Because children will learn by watching them. About 1 hour of physical exercise per day is essential. Again, children should be encouraged to play outdoor games instead of indoor games.

4. The habit of junk food

Working parents make themselves accustomed to junk food and also feed their children this kind of food. Eating burgers, patties, french fries, etc. at school tiffins is ruining their habits and health. They even eat this junk food as a snack at home. In such a situation children will not be aware of the harmful aspects of junk food. Many parents feed their children pizza, burgers and french fries as a reward. Which should not be done at once.

The way she grows up, her daughter will be full of confidence.
How to correct

Don’t just ban kids from eating junk food. Instead, their diet should include fruits and vegetables. Kids’ diets may not be completely free of junk food, but they can be balanced by including healthy foods. For example, if the children want to eat burgers or pizza, give them a bowl of salad or fruit. Parents should also eat healthy food. After seeing the parents, the children will start eating it.

5. Not getting enough sleep

Many parents watch TV at night. Many are accustomed to late night parties again. Seeing the parents, the children also stay up late at night due to some or the other reason. As a result, they do not get enough sleep and cannot get up in the morning. When he wakes up again, he stays asleep.

Parenting TipsDon’t give extra affection, give the only child the right education of life
How to correct

Adequate sleep is essential for staying healthy and fresh. Babies in particular should get to bed at the right time and wake up. They will be able to do that after seeing their parents. At least 7 to 9 hours of sleep is essential for 6-7 year olds. Teenagers need 6 to 8 hours of sleep. Keep a fix while the kids sleep. Take them out for a walk on the weekends. This will freshen their mood. However, do not stay out late at night.

Needless to say, parents need to change some of their own habits for the health and good habits of their children.

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2021-05-31 14:40:54
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