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China is building a special computer operating system for itself

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kylin_china_osDevelopment of a special operating system for the people of China in collaboration with software firm Canonical Has started. The software, known as Kyleen, will be a custom computer OS from the open source Ubuntu, which is set to release in April.

The Chinese government is encouraging people to use open source software and has signed a five-year agreement with Canonical to develop the operating system.

Kylin will be highly customizable which will help its users to customize as desired. The first version will be made for desktop and laptop computers with a better integration with the Chinese alphabet and language.

In the future, users will be able to directly access various indigenous services such as Baidu Maps, Taobao Shopping Service, Office Programs, etc. from Kylen Homescreen.

Kylen coding will be done with the joint participation of Chinese and canonical engineers in a laboratory in Beijing.

China has taken this step to reduce the use of Western software, products and services. Earlier, the US government had banned the use of several services of various US companies, including Google, within its borders. And China’s “Great Firewall” is constantly monitoring and controlling all of their online content. The country’s administration says the move is aimed at preventing any sensitive Chinese information from being smuggled out. Although the people and various rights groups did not simply accept the matter.

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