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Chocolate and turmeric milk boost immunity, find out more – Kolkata24x7

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The second wave of Corona is going on in India. The second wave of corona is constantly infecting many people. Problems with access to oxygen, lack of hospital beds, slow-moving vaccines have further complicated the situation. In this situation we should focus on boosting immunity. Because in this situation our immunity can protect us from the deadly corona virus infection.

If one’s body has high immunity then the body stays away from various diseases. In this corona situation, the demand for Immunity Booster food has increased a lot. Building immunity is not a one-day affair. This is a long term process. This process depends on eating habits, adequate sleep and physical activity. Many people are trying to increase their immunity by relying on various supplements and vitamins for this coronary condition.

According to a tweet from the Indian government, regular exercise, cereal intake, protein to boost immunity. Chocolate and turmeric milk are known to help boost immunity.

Benefits and uses of chocolate:

1. Chocolate is rich in antioxidants. Which is good for our skin.

2. Chocolate helps reduce high blood pressure.

3. Chocolate helps reduce cholesterol.

All of the above factors help to increase immunity. It is better to use raw chocolate because processed chocolate contains extra sugar.

Benefits and uses of yellow milk:

1. Turmeric milk helps reduce inflammation.

2. Turmeric contains antioxidants. Which enhances immunity.

3. Milk contains a lot of protein which is beneficial for the body. Milk also contains Vitamin D.

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2021-06-07 20:05:41
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