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‘Cleanfluencers’ are gaining more popularity

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During coronavirus-scheduled lockdowns, millions of people have started following so-called “cleanfluencers” online bloggers who, on the one hand, gain useful knowledge on how to stay clean and tidy, and on the other hand, inspire others to keep their homes clean and tidy. Does. VOA correspondent Nina Vishneva reports that the “Cleanfluensers” videos are not a blockbuster or a murder mystery, but it would be hard to take your eyes off the video clips. Cleaning videos have become extremely popular, especially during epidemics. Cleanfluencers who are interested in cleanliness post their home design changes online and inspire others to do the same.

Cleanfluencers Amanda said, “Today we are going to clean an entire house together. I always love to clean the whole house from top to bottom because it feels so good, and I think cleaning like this keeps the house clean for a long time!” Amanda Page, from Utah in the United States, began making clean-up videos after the birth of her third son. Amanda Page said: “After the birth of my third child, I was suffering from postpartum depression and I was looking for ways to overcome it, and I started a YouTube channel as a hobby. The number of subscribers to my channel has increased exponentially. Amanda’s husband became involved in this hobby of cleaning and helped their three children, though very young, as much as they could. Today, they have over three million subscribers to this crazy YouTube channel called Crazy Life.

Anton Cunningham, executive director of TickTock @ LifeSbook, said, “Oh, are we going to clean our washing machines too? Listen, don’t get me wrong, believe me, I never knew that. ” Cleaning shower drains for bathing, removing dirty moss from washing machines – the more annoying it sounds, the more likely you are to watch the video. Others like to see it cleaned. According to the researchers, the videos are both attention-grabbing and pleasurable for the mentally ill.

Mitchell Creed, a neurologist or neurologist, says: So, they help us to feel comfortable, calm, satisfied. ” About eight years ago, he launched an online thread on Reddit with a video called ‘Odley Satisfying’. In a very short time, he made 6 million followers.

And after the coronavirus epidemic hit, cleaning videos became more popular – when people are confined to their own homes, they need a medium to express their desires, and following these videos does some work, “said brain expert Mitchell Creed.” People were locked inside the house for months, and they were able to clean their house. ”

In 2020 alone, the short clips with the hashtag #Clining have been viewed by 7 billion viewers, with similar results on other social media platforms.

Cleanfluencers Amanda Page said, “Homemaking can be a really mundane or mundane task and sometimes you will feel lonely doing it. But seeing someone go through their daily lives like this in the videos will make you think you are one of them, and you are not alone. ” Amanda believes that the popularity of these cleaning videos will increase during the epidemic.