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Colon cancer is on the rise among young people! – Kolkata24x7 – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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As the age progresses, human diseases seem to increase. The rate of colon cancer in people at a relatively young age is increasing strangely day by day. One study found that the incidence of colon cancer was increasing among young people, and that it was happening so fast that even scientists were surprised. One

Studies show that the average age of developing colon cancer among young adults in the United States is slowly declining. This report is very important to researchers. This is because it not only paints a picture of the current cancer situation, but also gives us an idea of ​​the future.

As the incidence of colon cancer continues to rise among young adults, doctors will once again face a new challenge in ensuring that their ability to reproduce and maintain their physical ability is intact. The factors that may increase the risk of this cancer are:

1. Eating habitsThe younger generation eats less fruits and vegetables and eats more meat. In addition to this, if there is a shortage of fiber rich food in the food list then the risk increases.

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2. Exercise – Everyone has so little time for home and office that there is very little time to get out and think about doing something for themselves. As a result, they cannot do any exercise or yoga for recovery. Not doing enough physical activity increases the risk of colon cancer.

3. Alcohol and smoking – many people can not cope with the extra stress of office and home. In that case, they continue to drink and smoke for temporary peace. They became addicted to it. May increase the risk of colon cancer.

4. Weight – Many people suffer from obesity from an early age. People who are overweight are more likely to get this cancer.

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2021-04-18 02:15:09
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