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Concerns are being raised about Salmonella bacteria, how to survive this infection? Learn.

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  • Coronavirus. Bacterial infections are raising new fears on him.
  • More than 400 people have already fallen ill with a bacterial infection called Salmonella.

This time the digital desk: Coronavirus. Bacterial infections are raising new fears on him. More than 400 people have already fallen ill with a bacterial infection called Salmonella.

Many people in Canada and the United States have been infected with the Salmonella virus. Many of them are undergoing treatment at the hospital. Bacterial infections are on the rise in 31 US states. In the last few days, multiple news of Salmonella came to light in England. Which has created anxiety. And for this reason, special measures are being considered to be careful. After this, the buyers and sellers have been requested to observe the watermelons in a special way. But what is Salmonella? What has this got to do with watermelon? Take a look.

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What is Salmonella?
Salmonella is a bacterium that causes diarrhea in humans. Although this infection can cause many more diseases. These include symptoms such as thyroid fever, gastroenteritis, diarrhea, abdominal obstruction, and nausea. The disease is spread through food and contaminated water. In special cases urine, bones, blood and joints can spread the infection.

Why buy watermelon salmonella in melon in England?
The UK government believes watermelons imported from Costa Rica, Honduras and Brazil are spreading Salmonella infection. Therefore, instructions have been issued to all buyers and sellers to throw away this watermelon.

How to protect from infection?
Salmonella can usually be contracted by eating contaminated food or water. One must avoid eating cooked meat, seafood, eggs or poultry to protect oneself from this infection. Also fruits and vegetables must be washed properly. People who do not keep the kitchen clean, or do not keep their hands clean, are also at risk of infection. So it is very important to stay clean.

Salmonella infections have also been warned in the United States. It is estimated that the disease is spreading from farms in that country. A total of 43 cases have been reported in the United States so far.

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2021-06-03 14:27:33
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