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Confusion about women’s cancer – DesheBideshe – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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There is no basis for the idea that ‘cancer is not understood in advance, it is caught suddenly’. With proper screening, the disease can be detected before the cancer. There are various misconceptions about women’s cancer. The common misconception is that many people think that breast cancer can be inherited only from the mother’s relatives or from the mother-aunt-grandmother. Such an idea is not correct. From the father’s side, the disease can be passed down from generation to generation.

Another common belief is that men do not get breast cancer. Such an idea is completely wrong. And if a man in a family has a history of getting cancer, then the girls in that family are also at risk. Researchers believe that genetic defects cause breast cancer in boys. From generation to generation, that defect can be passed on to the next generation of members.

Not only breast cancer, women can also get hereditary ovarian or ovarian cancer. But many people think that ovarian cancer is not inherited. There is no basis for thinking that if you get cancer in one breast, you will not get it in the other breast. Rather, we have to be careful about the opposite. Therefore, if you have cancer in one breast, you must follow up after recovering from the treatment.

Before having a mammogram for screening, make sure you have a fetus. Let your doctor know when your period is safe.

It is important to know that pregnant women can also get cancer. However, due to the change in the shape of the breast during this time, it is difficult to diagnose breast cancer. So awareness is definitely needed during pregnancy. At this time, if any change in the breast seems suspicious, it should be examined on the advice of a doctor. A specialist doctor may ask for a 3D mammogram if necessary. In this case, the risk of harm to the fetus is greatly reduced by testing with the necessary safety measures. However, not all cancers in women are familial or hereditary. Such as cervical cancer. This is mainly due to infection with human papilloma virus.

With proper screening, the disease can be detected before or at the pre-cancer stage. For example, regular Pap smear tests can give you an early idea of ​​cervical cancer. Lately, genetic tests can also be used to determine the risk of breast or ovarian cancer. Another common misconception is that women do not get other cancers. This idea is wrong. Cancers that occur in men, such as lung or bowel cancer, can also affect women. Therefore, in order to prevent cancer, it is necessary to pay attention to overall health.

NH, 14 June

Health | DesheBideshe
2021-06-14 10:04:11
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