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Corona HairfallHair Growing After Covid? What to do, read the doctor’s advice

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  • Lately, eight to eighty people are suffering from the problem of excess hair growth.
  • One product after another was changed but no proper results were found. Disappointed.
  • In addition, Covidavirus is causing more anxiety in some areas.
  • Because, in the first and second wave of corona (Covid Second wave) many people have been suffering from hair loss problem for a long time after the covid has healed.

This time the digital desk: Lately, eight to eighty people are suffering from the problem of excess hair growth. One product after another was changed but no proper results were found. Disappointed. In addition, Covidavirus is causing more anxiety in some areas. Because, in the first and second wave of corona (Covid Second wave) many people have been suffering from hair loss problem for a long time after the covid has healed.

Even if the covid is positive (covid positive), such as mental stress is falling, on the other hand, people are spending their days all the time for fear of infection. There are other reasons behind hair growth. For example, putting extra tension. Dr. Patel said that many people have been suffering from coronavirus for a long time. At the same time, if you are infected with corona, it can be a bigger problem for you. Let’s find out how stress caused by covid causes hair loss.

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Oxygen causes hair loss
Dr. Purvisha Patel says that coronavirus affects our whole body. It can also be a factor in hair loss in such situations. He says it looks like the hair follicles are not getting enough oxygen due to the stress caused by the corona. The follicles are at rest due to stress in the body.

What does research say?
A recent study, published in January 2021 by The Lancet, looked at some people who had coronary heart disease. All of these people had side effects after six months. Three percent of them felt weak, tired and lazy. At the same time, 28 percent of people suffer from sleep-related problems. In addition, 23 percent of people had problems with anxiety or depression, and 22 percent of people suffered from hair loss.

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Hair loss problems Since when seen
Most people have this problem. But not in the beginning. Excessive hair loss is seen after two to two and a half months. However, it is not just in the case of covid (Covid), after any illness, even during pregnancy, or typhoid, dengue but this problem can occur to anyone. The main cause of stress. Due to which both hair growth and production suddenly stop. As a result, after two to three months, the hair begins to grow. Now that Kovid has a higher incidence of disease than other diseases, many people feel that they are not responsible for it. At the moment many people are coming to the doctors with this problem. It is difficult to understand which is coming from Kovid, which is due to other reasons.

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2021-06-03 18:22:42
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